Fauci, CNN Panelists Lash Out at College Students For “Cheering Enthusiastically and Exhaling with Vigor” at Football Games (VIDEO)
***Dr. Fauci and CNN panelist Dr. William Schaffner lashed out at the young college students for having the games without face masks.
80-year-old Fauci said “I don’t think it’s smart” and CNN was angry the kids were breathing fresh air and cheering.
“People are cheering and enthusiastic, exhaling with vigor; if there are people infected, they can infect people around them … Nobody was wearing a mask … I’d be very surprised if we didn’t have outbreaks,” a doctor on CNN said.
Lol, exhaling with vigor.
Whatever.....let the kids enjoy a game. Yet another level of ridiculous from the BS media.
This most likely has everything to do with the "FUCK BIDEN" chants that are being heard in these stadiums now.
Fauci mad he only has vigor after a lol blue pill
LOL exactly!
When has that ever not been true of regular flu, which kills tens of thousands every year just in the US?
If you're "infected", it means you have SYMPTOMS. No symptoms = no infection = no transmission
Where have you been? The flu no longer exists.
NOW it doesn't.
I was referring to past flu seasons.
Exactly. Is it true that "asymptomatic carriers" are a fabrication of this scam-demic?
Has that ever actually happened?
A study of ten million patients in Wuhan produced zero cases of asymptomatic transmission.
And they would have had every motivation to lie about this and fabricate cases of asymptomatic transmission, to support the Big Lie.
It's a myth, the crucial Big Lie upon which the entire plandemic rests. Without that lie, no one needs a mask or antisocial distancing or lockdowns, meaning no mail-in ballots, meaning Trump wins in a gargantuan landslide.
I've read remarks to the extent that asymptomatic spreading just doesn't exist at all, period, for ANY disease or illness.
I don't science enough to know; need to research for myself....
I'm inclined to agree with that. If you don't even have sufficient viral load to give yourself symptoms, you damn sure aren't going to be giving them to someone else. It's a complete fairy tale. I can't believe more doctors aren't screaming their lungs loose from every streetcorner and rooftop in the land.