Executive Order 13848 (and apparently also some other EOs from the past) Prolonged by the resident for another year
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You get downvoted, but here is a notable flaw with omnipotence.
You can say it's Satan's influence, yada yada yada, but God's omnipotence transcends that otherwise it wouldn't be omnipotence.
So... You probably won't get very many good responses to this, because it creates an error loop and it's really hard to explain away. At least Supernatural could create a silly excuse for God's absence.
It's basic theology. God created good, but he also created the ability to CHOOSE goodness. Without the ability to choose, goodness loses its meaning.
Some choose the way of Satan's temptations and choose to go against God, goodness, etc. There is a spiritual war going on and God is allowing His warriors to fight for this realm.
The bad side is doing all sorts of weird, over-the-top moves which signals to me that they are basically in hail-mary mode. They know they are losing (get woke, go broke).
Too bad it's not that simple.
Well, here's one good response at least
A well reasoned response. I liked a lot of what I read, but it still reverted back to the cycle of Christian thinking that I don't agree with. I do not agree that we are to limit ourselves to the "knowledge of God" but rather knowledge in general. This was created for us to learn and explore.
Also, most people are not in a conscious rebellion to God. They are trying to figure out how to best live their lives. The ones in power, the ones causing all the problems are in active rebellion. The more I think about it, the more I feel that thought process, that all we do is an affront to God is a distraction from the ones who are to blame for human suffering.
EDIT: Basically claiming that all people are in Rebellion is to influence you to focus your energy on your non-believing neighbor instead of those responsible. This is why the Christian Corporation exists. The church provides a distraction from the real problem causers.
Humans are absolutely selfish creatures, I won't argue that. I think we're in agreement here, that our basic instinct is survival and that's what most people tend to operate on as a base. Then personality and decisions flow from there.
For me a lot of this is breaking the conditioning. Unfortunately the cabal exploits the church as well, but really that is nothing new. At the end of the day, we are to love others as unconditionally as possible. When God wants His Laws set, He will come and do it. Until then following Him is a personal choice and conviction. His Word isn't supposed to be uses to beat people over the head with.
But at this point, I think I'm preaching to the choir mostly.
I don't doubt there's more beyond what we know here. However to abandon logic and reasoning cause God is "in control" is wrong.