posted ago by ThisIsHowItStarts ago by ThisIsHowItStarts +155 / -1

In the wake of the ivermectin scandal, I wanted to make a post regarding parasites.

Long before Covid, many years ago, there was a Doctor Who came up with the premise that all disease comes from parasites of some kind or another. Her name is Dr. Hulda Clark.

She ended up leaving her comfortable position at a university as a professor, to follow after her dreams of writing a book and being able to treat people using this premise.

After leaving her prestigious position, she and her son got to work writing this book cure for all disease. The book included parasite cleanse, And even includes a schematic for a shoebox zapper, so people could build one themselves to get well. The book is fascinating, and I really got involved in all this years ago. I got the book, the zapper, and started doing parasite cleanses

She along with another doctor Raymond Rife were the spearheads in this type of therapy, and were persecuted, and shut down by all the three letter agencies. Because we all know we can’t have a cure for cancer, that doesn’t make money for big Pharma and the medical industrial complex.

Below are some links to her books, zappers, and parasite cleanses. These are just a few. I am not affiliated in anyway with any of these websites, I just wanted to share this info as time goes on in ivermectin is not available, there are other ways to kill parasites in your body.

I could go on and on but, If you have any questions about my personal experiences I’d be more than happy to answer them. I started with a small zapper, and then I moved on to a programmable one. Based on her thesis, if you have the frequency of the actual parasite in your body you can frequencies zap it, and kill those parasites in your body. The latter of the two zappers was more expensive, but well worth it because I’ve used it for many different ailments.

Dr. Hulda Clark

Books: Cure for all disease


Cure for all cancer


Para Cleanse https://drclarkstore.com/dr-hulda-clark-parasite-cleanse.html

