God blessed us with common sense. Part of common sense is logic. Use your common sense and think logically.
If the enemy cheated in Maricopa County, the enemy cheated in counties ALL across the nation.
Those who keep their heads buried in the sand are in denial and are focused only on maintaining their own self-centered lifestyles. They are in for a rude awakening.
Covid-19 was a planned bio-weapon attack on our country. The treatment is killing our friends and family members.
The attempted theft of the 2020 election was an act of cyber-terrorism against our country.
We are at war.
What is to come next?
Tens of thousands (if not more) need to be imprisoned and found guilty of treason and crimes against humanity.
Start the clean-up with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci.
Then sweep through the local, state, and federal elected officials who were involved or have been complicit.
Then clean out the legal system, including judges.
The pharmaceutical-medical complex must be drained of the corrupt individuals and entities. It should then cease to exist.
The military-industrial complex must be exposed and destroyed.
We must release our country from the stranglehold of the Federal Reserve Bank and the banking cabal.
We must end human trafficking and the abuse and torture of our children.
The enemy has infiltrated every aspect of our society.
Communism is a cancer which threatens our freedom.
We must identify the cancer cells and cut them out if we are to survive as a free nation under God.
Satan is at work in all aspects of our country and around the world.
Pray for President Trump.
Pray for our military.
Pray for our country.
"The Creature From Jekyll Island, a Second Look at the Federal Reserve" by G. Edward Griffin is an excellent book detailing how the banking system "works" and how it came to be. I am two thirds through reading it now. It will make your blood boil at how crooked a scant few people can be that pretty much control the world.
Text version if you'd like:
God blessed us with common sense. Part of common sense is logic. Use your common sense and think logically.
If the enemy cheated in Maricopa County, the enemy cheated in counties ALL across the nation.
Those who keep their heads buried in the sand are in denial and are focused only on maintaining their own self-centered lifestyles. They are in for a rude awakening.
Covid-19 was a planned bio-weapon attack on our country. The treatment is killing our friends and family members.
The attempted theft of the 2020 election was an act of cyber-terrorism against our country.
We are at war.
What is to come next?
Tens of thousands (if not more) need to be imprisoned and found guilty of treason and crimes against humanity.
Start the clean-up with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci.
Then sweep through the local, state, and federal elected officials who were involved or have been complicit.
Then clean out the legal system, including judges.
The pharmaceutical-medical complex must be drained of the corrupt individuals and entities. It should then cease to exist.
The military-industrial complex must be exposed and destroyed.
We must release our country from the stranglehold of the Federal Reserve Bank and the banking cabal.
We must end human trafficking and the abuse and torture of our children.
The enemy has infiltrated every aspect of our society.
Communism is a cancer which threatens our freedom.
We must identify the cancer cells and cut them out if we are to survive as a free nation under God.
Satan is at work in all aspects of our country and around the world.
Pray for President Trump. Pray for our military. Pray for our country.
Every lie must be revealed.
Where We Go One, We Go All.
You damn right!
President Trump...I love the sound of that
It's coming and its coming soon.
I need to learn more about the Federal Reserve Bank.
It is a den of thieves.
"The Creature From Jekyll Island, a Second Look at the Federal Reserve" by G. Edward Griffin is an excellent book detailing how the banking system "works" and how it came to be. I am two thirds through reading it now. It will make your blood boil at how crooked a scant few people can be that pretty much control the world.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Here's the epub for anyone that wants it:
Two more weeks! Has anything Lin has said come to pass??
For God & Country.