A lot of normies are about to wake up to this now that they see their Tyrannical government in action. I sent my co-workers a video of Tower 7 falling yesterday and they didn’t even know about tower 7. These were the only three skyscrapers in world history to collapse from fire, and these buildings were built with steel exterior beams, making them as strong of building as you can make.
There were no planes involved in 911. There's a missile hole at the Pentagon, a crater in Shanksville, and explosions with Hollywood filming of planes melting into a steel building. The planes should have exploded upon impact with parts falling to the ground. Likewise, there should have been parts all over the ground at the Pentagon and in PA. There aren't. There were planes that took off, but I saw a video once that said the planes were changed over at an outer marker with missiles that flew in on the planes beacon. The planes landed, and the people on board were killed, perhaps after making calls to loved ones as their bargaining chip for their lives. Keep an open mind. With the ridiculous things we've seen play out in recent years, is it really so far fetched that this could be what happened? Anything is possible. John Lear of Lear jet fame, and many other pilots came out years ago and said that virtually no one could fly a plane at that speed 30 feet off the ground into the Pentagon. All these videos have long been scrubbed from the internet. There are dozens of questions that can't be answered if we believe planes were used. I believed the msm narrative until 9 years ago when I started to research after the Sandy Hooke and BB hoaxes. Over the years, I have shifted to the no plane theory after understanding the purpose of FF, the use of crisis actors, and the evil behind the need to do these events coupled with the fact that there are no plane parts at any of the 4 places where we are told planes crashed.
I can’t speak for the pentagon, nor PA but there were absolutely planes in NY. Did they cause the collapse? There are people much more educated than me and I do believe it was by design. But, even if it was just for optics, there were absolutely planes. I have many trusted friends who were there that day. I know many who perished. I was there at 11pm when my friends husband, who was a trader, showed up in the back of a pickup with five others covered in white dust on every part of his body but his eyes and nose area. I heard his story when he was finally able to come out of the shock. And I heard many other stories of people I know personally. Saying there were no planes at all, does not add any validly to the theory. Just my experience
My sweet grandfather use to say “I know enough to know I don’t know enough” and I don’t think we will ever truly know. As far as me producing video of planes, I don’t personally need that confirmation because I know dozens of people who were there, lived it, died, and saw the aftermath from getting out of a truck covered in dust to my children’s friends who buried their parents. I realize not everyone has the same experiences. You don’t know me, so why would you take my word? I don’t blame you at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if the plane was carrying something in it. I can’t dismiss personal accounts of people I know.
Yeah I am way more suspicious of this event than I ever thought I would be but we need to cross our T's and dot our I's in our opposition. When you ask some of these questions, you'll get some reasonable sounding responses at times. For instance, the jet fuel didn't have to melt the steel. It just had to weaken it enough that along with a massive collision, would compromise structural integrity. I am NOT saying that it wasn't a false flag in some way. I'm only saying that we need to be analytical in the questions we ask, the accusations we make, and in the responses to reasonable comments we get when we ask our questions.
A plane hitting an exterior steel frame building would only damage the side that was hit. At the very most, the part of the building above that would crumple and tip over. There's no way in the world that would cause the entire building to drop straight down into it's own footprint.
A bomber flew into the Empire State Building a long time ago, and it just stuck. There was no explosion or anything but local damage. The plane was hoisted down, the building was repaired, and life went on.
Collapsing three of the strongest skyscrapers in existence with two "planes" is just total BS. The buildings were professionally demolished.
A lot of normies are about to wake up to this now that they see their Tyrannical government in action. I sent my co-workers a video of Tower 7 falling yesterday and they didn’t even know about tower 7. These were the only three skyscrapers in world history to collapse from fire, and these buildings were built with steel exterior beams, making them as strong of building as you can make.
There were no planes involved in 911. There's a missile hole at the Pentagon, a crater in Shanksville, and explosions with Hollywood filming of planes melting into a steel building. The planes should have exploded upon impact with parts falling to the ground. Likewise, there should have been parts all over the ground at the Pentagon and in PA. There aren't. There were planes that took off, but I saw a video once that said the planes were changed over at an outer marker with missiles that flew in on the planes beacon. The planes landed, and the people on board were killed, perhaps after making calls to loved ones as their bargaining chip for their lives. Keep an open mind. With the ridiculous things we've seen play out in recent years, is it really so far fetched that this could be what happened? Anything is possible. John Lear of Lear jet fame, and many other pilots came out years ago and said that virtually no one could fly a plane at that speed 30 feet off the ground into the Pentagon. All these videos have long been scrubbed from the internet. There are dozens of questions that can't be answered if we believe planes were used. I believed the msm narrative until 9 years ago when I started to research after the Sandy Hooke and BB hoaxes. Over the years, I have shifted to the no plane theory after understanding the purpose of FF, the use of crisis actors, and the evil behind the need to do these events coupled with the fact that there are no plane parts at any of the 4 places where we are told planes crashed.
I can’t speak for the pentagon, nor PA but there were absolutely planes in NY. Did they cause the collapse? There are people much more educated than me and I do believe it was by design. But, even if it was just for optics, there were absolutely planes. I have many trusted friends who were there that day. I know many who perished. I was there at 11pm when my friends husband, who was a trader, showed up in the back of a pickup with five others covered in white dust on every part of his body but his eyes and nose area. I heard his story when he was finally able to come out of the shock. And I heard many other stories of people I know personally. Saying there were no planes at all, does not add any validly to the theory. Just my experience
My sweet grandfather use to say “I know enough to know I don’t know enough” and I don’t think we will ever truly know. As far as me producing video of planes, I don’t personally need that confirmation because I know dozens of people who were there, lived it, died, and saw the aftermath from getting out of a truck covered in dust to my children’s friends who buried their parents. I realize not everyone has the same experiences. You don’t know me, so why would you take my word? I don’t blame you at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if the plane was carrying something in it. I can’t dismiss personal accounts of people I know.
Yeah I am way more suspicious of this event than I ever thought I would be but we need to cross our T's and dot our I's in our opposition. When you ask some of these questions, you'll get some reasonable sounding responses at times. For instance, the jet fuel didn't have to melt the steel. It just had to weaken it enough that along with a massive collision, would compromise structural integrity. I am NOT saying that it wasn't a false flag in some way. I'm only saying that we need to be analytical in the questions we ask, the accusations we make, and in the responses to reasonable comments we get when we ask our questions.
A plane hitting an exterior steel frame building would only damage the side that was hit. At the very most, the part of the building above that would crumple and tip over. There's no way in the world that would cause the entire building to drop straight down into it's own footprint.
A bomber flew into the Empire State Building a long time ago, and it just stuck. There was no explosion or anything but local damage. The plane was hoisted down, the building was repaired, and life went on.
Collapsing three of the strongest skyscrapers in existence with two "planes" is just total BS. The buildings were professionally demolished.
A smaller slower much lighter b25.
Being a warplane, I doubt that it was a whole lot lighter. I'm pretty sure it was a lot heavier for its size than an airliner.
Up vote to cancel the logic-less down vote you recieved.
Some people don't respect logic, even though it is what makes us higher than all other animals. Logic. Reasoning. The Word.