That's what happens when your only focus in life is about money and power. Just imagine if he had God in his life and all the good he could do with all that money.
You could have someone rob them by gunpoint and threaten their life and they will say they gave it to them willingly and that the robber is actually a good person who did them a favor.
🤡 fucking 🌍
Is the stack of books photoshopped? The titles I can make out are 'Hyperbole' and 'On Immunity', 'What It' (Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions).
its real. they leave nuggets like this because they feel they are justified in their actions if they do so (if i can tell you the evil things im doing, and you dont stop me, its your fault line of thinking)
So he's been preparing for a while. Did you read the notes for 'On Immunity'? (Where do vaccine fears come from? )
Nice to see he seeks a balance in his life. From plotting how to coerce the global population into lining up for poison to some light hearted geek comics.
That's what happens when your only focus in life is about money and power. Just imagine if he had God in his life and all the good he could do with all that money.
If he had God in his life he never would have got to where he is. It would have been someone else.
Unfortunately, your most likely right. It still would be nice to see others be as successful and do it for God instead of themselves!
If my neighbors ain’t dropping like flies it ain’t no fuckin demic.
Bet you never thought people were that stupid huh
Or gullible
Not this level. Its epic and mind-blowing.
You could have someone rob them by gunpoint and threaten their life and they will say they gave it to them willingly and that the robber is actually a good person who did them a favor. 🤡 fucking 🌍
🤡fucking 🌏 indeed
Is the stack of books photoshopped? The titles I can make out are 'Hyperbole' and 'On Immunity', 'What It' (Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions).
Kind of sums up his approach to this genocide.
its real. they leave nuggets like this because they feel they are justified in their actions if they do so (if i can tell you the evil things im doing, and you dont stop me, its your fault line of thinking)
Nice to see he seeks a balance in his life. From plotting how to coerce the global population into lining up for poison to some light hearted geek comics.
Thanks for the link!
They should provide the names of each case and the patient's location!
lies, damned lies, and statistics