I am 99.9% Pro Trump. I believe Q knows what's going on. But there is something I can't understand.
If Patriots are in control. And Trump take credit for the COVID shots. How the hell do we make sense of all these terrible side effects that the rushed vaccine does?
How do we make that make sense?
Trump is aware that they were going to give side effects? If so? was it necessary? Or are Patriots really not that in control? Was Trump lied to about the safety of the shots?
It's a huge torn on my side that doesn't add up.
The Hunt for Red October
Capt. Bart Mancuso : Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.
The Cabal wants to depopulate the planet. Well let's get to it at Warp Speed (Operation Warp Speed), being careful how we message and what we do as to awaken people as we go. Not much we can do about the droids, but we can message to Patriots that there are other options. Optics are more important than deaths.
Rather than let the Cabal keep us on lock down and drip, drip, drip until we're all dead, Trump forged ahead. The Cabal had little choice. Demonrats were saying the vaccine couldn't be done over and over again. Vaccine only released days after Trump "left office".
👆👆👆👆👆Wish I could upvote this more. Very good answer.
Me to !!👆👆👆
"Capt. Bart Mancuso : Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself."
This is the way.
This is the way.
This is the way.
Standing on the shoulders of giants.
I agree with you about it was this or lockdown and there are casualties in war and I’m actually 100 percent Trump , but I do wish he’d back off a little now that the world knows they are bad ..he’s a brilliant man and for him to not make a statement soon that the statistics are showing that this jab is dangerous is confusing some of his supporters and some liberals that want to jump buydones ship ..most of us aren’t confused but I do wish he would make an announcement soon that something is not good with the jabs ! However I’m not in control and if he doesn’t make an announcement condemning the jab , than there are reasons, and he’s in charge , I’m not moving from my hill !
i dont understand this whole red oct thing