Is he offering any sort of explanation for why these people weren't pardoned before he left office if he really believes that their imprisonment is unjust? He had the power to address this if he thought it was a problem, and knew that they would likely be prosecuted by a less sympathetic administration.
Is he offering any sort of explanation for why these people weren't pardoned
Because of people from forum you moderate and more such people hating him.
It is like Coventry...
He would lose and all his supporters would lose. Pardoning those people would be recognised as "admission of guilt" about capitol riot despite capitol riot was really NOT Trump or Trump supporters job - provocateurs who made it were released free, poor conservatives who were useful idiots being in wrong place and wrong time are still in jail.
Who knows - after such decision maybe even witch-hunt over all Trump supporters as "terrorists" would be more powerful,maybe hundreds of thousands people would be arrested or attacked other way ? Don't say you not saw people on the left wanting that already... After January 6 left wanted conservatives blood.
Don't say that even today it isn't showed on red.dit and in MSM as we are all here terrorists or worse.
I don't know really when the hell military wants to stand if will. But all of this is still possible only because those people were NOT pardoned despite being innocent.
Because Trump speech was longer than planned on January 6. Because censored Trump speech after Capitol was attacked was really about:
we have to have peace
and asking people for returning peacefully to homes
Some good people in jail or more his supporters in jail and he losing and maybe getting in jail.Lesser evil... Lesser evil if Q isn't bullshit like some people - including you - believe. Many people here are pissed of because of those people being kept in jail without pardon and because of "vaccine". But sometimes there is no choice for good,only for lesser evil.
Oh, I'm not sure I agree with that. Flynn was pardoned despite nobody on my side agreeing with it. So was Arpaio. Trump has rarely given a single shit what Democrats think about the things he does, which I thought was part of the appeal for you.
If he was avoiding pardoning Jan 6th people on my account, then he was wasting his time. I fully expected him to do so, and him choosing not to do so hasn't really redeemed him to me or anything. Nor do I think he would have been prosecuted or anything for that pardon if he wasn't prosecuted for any of the rest of Jan 6th.
Flynn was pardoned despite nobody on my side agreeing with it.So was Arpaio.
Oh it was not about left agreement to be more accurate. It was all show for "neutral" normies who "not picked side" really. I guess it is/was majority. For left Trump would be guilty even if he would show in white robes with real wings and halo above his head (oh,especially then :P ).
him choosing not to do so hasn't really redeemed him to me or anything.
It's hilarious to see someone actually believe they somehow deserve to have President Trump "redeem himself", after being categorically the best president this nation has had since the 19th Century, and possibly the 18th.
You silly little nothing. Go back to the Doom Room, where you're important.
Researchers research so that other people don’t have to do as much research in order for them to research other conclusions. “Shoulders of giants” and all that.
You have to understand that while I am willing to dedicate time to evidence, sending me an hour of homework is a pretty unaware method of redpilling people who are not predisposed to Q theories.
If someone asks you for cliff notes because they’re busy and want a whetted appetite before committing to a longish research project over something I don’t even believe and receive no compensation for studying, then offer it. You made that sacrifice for a reason, and I certainly hope it was the furtherance of knowledge and your evidence, not a sense of intellectual superiority.
If you want me to commit an hour to watching the videos, it’s probably going to be a little while. Not something I can do from work.
Most were not personable at the time but you are right he should have manned up and blanket pardoned everyone. Trump as great a president and guy as he is is fallible like all men and no one can be perfect all the time.
Who do you pardon without doing a background check and due dillegence? In the chaos you had black hats, white hats, antifa, FBI acting like MAGA and then MAGA all there. Good luck figuring out that mess.
Is he offering any sort of explanation for why these people weren't pardoned before he left office if he really believes that their imprisonment is unjust? He had the power to address this if he thought it was a problem, and knew that they would likely be prosecuted by a less sympathetic administration.
Because of people from forum you moderate and more such people hating him. It is like Coventry...
He would lose and all his supporters would lose. Pardoning those people would be recognised as "admission of guilt" about capitol riot despite capitol riot was really NOT Trump or Trump supporters job - provocateurs who made it were released free, poor conservatives who were useful idiots being in wrong place and wrong time are still in jail.
Who knows - after such decision maybe even witch-hunt over all Trump supporters as "terrorists" would be more powerful,maybe hundreds of thousands people would be arrested or attacked other way ? Don't say you not saw people on the left wanting that already... After January 6 left wanted conservatives blood. Don't say that even today it isn't showed on red.dit and in MSM as we are all here terrorists or worse.
I don't know really when the hell military wants to stand if will. But all of this is still possible only because those people were NOT pardoned despite being innocent. Because Trump speech was longer than planned on January 6. Because censored Trump speech after Capitol was attacked was really about:
and asking people for returning peacefully to homes
Some good people in jail or more his supporters in jail and he losing and maybe getting in jail.Lesser evil... Lesser evil if Q isn't bullshit like some people - including you - believe. Many people here are pissed of because of those people being kept in jail without pardon and because of "vaccine". But sometimes there is no choice for good,only for lesser evil.
Best take I've heard. This whole subject is still one of my bigger doubts currently. War is Hell.
Oh, I'm not sure I agree with that. Flynn was pardoned despite nobody on my side agreeing with it. So was Arpaio. Trump has rarely given a single shit what Democrats think about the things he does, which I thought was part of the appeal for you.
If he was avoiding pardoning Jan 6th people on my account, then he was wasting his time. I fully expected him to do so, and him choosing not to do so hasn't really redeemed him to me or anything. Nor do I think he would have been prosecuted or anything for that pardon if he wasn't prosecuted for any of the rest of Jan 6th.
Oh it was not about left agreement to be more accurate. It was all show for "neutral" normies who "not picked side" really. I guess it is/was majority. For left Trump would be guilty even if he would show in white robes with real wings and halo above his head (oh,especially then :P ).
It's hilarious to see someone actually believe they somehow deserve to have President Trump "redeem himself", after being categorically the best president this nation has had since the 19th Century, and possibly the 18th.
You silly little nothing. Go back to the Doom Room, where you're important.
True. Both of them were men at arms under oath to defend the Republic with arms at risk of death, and were in comfortable privileged confinement.
Whereas the capital folk are broke regular Americans w ruined families, in shocking and terrible conditions.
Tho i suspect thats all fake and gay
Pardon(s) can only happen when a federal court has levied a federal conviction.
The patriots being held from january 6 havent even seen court dates from what I have heard.
What sort of information in the case notes is giving you confidence in your ability to identify infiltrators?
Also, I’ve heard people here claim that Angeli was a plant, but is there some evidence beyond the cropped photo that I’ve missed on this?
Researchers research so that other people don’t have to do as much research in order for them to research other conclusions. “Shoulders of giants” and all that.
You have to understand that while I am willing to dedicate time to evidence, sending me an hour of homework is a pretty unaware method of redpilling people who are not predisposed to Q theories.
If someone asks you for cliff notes because they’re busy and want a whetted appetite before committing to a longish research project over something I don’t even believe and receive no compensation for studying, then offer it. You made that sacrifice for a reason, and I certainly hope it was the furtherance of knowledge and your evidence, not a sense of intellectual superiority.
If you want me to commit an hour to watching the videos, it’s probably going to be a little while. Not something I can do from work.
Most were not personable at the time but you are right he should have manned up and blanket pardoned everyone. Trump as great a president and guy as he is is fallible like all men and no one can be perfect all the time.
Who do you pardon without doing a background check and due dillegence? In the chaos you had black hats, white hats, antifa, FBI acting like MAGA and then MAGA all there. Good luck figuring out that mess.