I wish he had thrown in the new research about how the vaxxed have 151 times the viral load as an unvaxxed person. I think of pigpen every time I think of the vaxxed, and people walking around spewing out massive amounts of cooties.
Thank you sir, for the article. I have a bunch of articles saved that I need to review and print out. At this point, it's pre-emptive on my part for a potential employer mandate for a Texas-based firm... That said, I am in CA so a state-wide mandate is probably in the works. I feel sandwiched in terms of these mandate threats. Oh well. I could make do with more time to improve myself and do more within my immediate community.
A day will come when the vaccine Nazis realize they are no different than the Nazis that followed Hitler’s orders.
They will only realize that when they are standing in front of the firing line. Idiots.
This restaurant will go bankrupt in no time
Thank You PATRIOT !!
Unfortunately the tree of liberty I watered with the blood of patriots
This is tragic really - God bless this man and his fam for living free w/o the jab.
Look at all those faggots sitting around OK with it.
I wish he had thrown in the new research about how the vaxxed have 151 times the viral load as an unvaxxed person. I think of pigpen every time I think of the vaxxed, and people walking around spewing out massive amounts of cooties.
Thank you sir, for the article. I have a bunch of articles saved that I need to review and print out. At this point, it's pre-emptive on my part for a potential employer mandate for a Texas-based firm... That said, I am in CA so a state-wide mandate is probably in the works. I feel sandwiched in terms of these mandate threats. Oh well. I could make do with more time to improve myself and do more within my immediate community.
This guy is right on several accounts.
As I understood there was no mention on the notice about someone exempt - they would not have a vax card
Or if someone has natural immunity wouldnt have a card
By the same token then everyone who works there should have to show their vax card to every customer
People encountering this and posting it need to identify the restaurant and the city so any of us living nearby can boycott.
great points!