A train is barrelling down the tracks. A hundred people are partying on the tracks oblivious to the train. if you do nothing, all of them will die, including kids and babies. If you pull a lever, only 9 or 10 of them will die, possibly including kids and babies.
Will you pull the lever?
Edit: If you guys wonder what this question has to do with anything, its for those who don't understand how The Plan to save the world can allow so many people to suffer and die due to vaccines, lockdowns and everything else in the meantime.
You forgot to add. When you pull the lever you take the blame for everything because no one else is aware of the train.
Excellent downstream insight. Bravo for pointing it out.
Another thing: The way the edit of the scenario makes it sound, it's as if the plan necessarily included a certain percent dead. I would have worded it this way--"We were about to lose waaaaaaaaay more people, but thankfully in the nick of time a plan was implemented that will be able to save most people; it's not that the plan is allowing... it's that we have the best possible plan to minimize the casualties that were inevitable."
Well, Fauci lied so there is that out.