It was predicted that part of the island will eventually break loose sliding into the sea, and cause a big tsunami on the east coast. Now a volcano is erupting there.
"No such event, a mega tsunami, has occurred in either the Atlantic or Pacific oceans in recorded history. NONE," the Society explained. Volcanic collapses are so rare, they happen only every few million years. And the Cumbre Vieja volcano will not cause a massive and sudden rock displacement. Waves caused by eruptions simply don't travel like quake-generated waves for thousands of miles, their impact is intense and local.
Well, "erupting" is one thing, and it's common for volcanoes. The problem comes (if it comes at all) is when said eruptions are in the explosive category like Mt. St. Helens a few years ago, or Krakatoa back in the 1800s. The latter is when huge pieces of earth are suddenly blown into the sky (or ocean) and can cause tsunamis and atmospheric issues many miles away. But the volcanoes like in Hawaii or here on Canary Island seem to be more of the slow seepage variety.... inconvenient and even dangerous locally, but not globally.
So yeah, if the Canary Island volcano suddenly erupted in an explosion of material into the Atlantic, we could experience tsunamis on the US east coast and all up and down Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. So far, though, it's just speculation.
I learned about this island more than 10 years ago. Back then I could not have imagined that someone would blow it up on purpose, now that it is a possible reality, it's a bit frightening.
Have you read ‘State of Fear’, by Michael Crichton ? He died of ‘cancer’ … wrote the script for this years ago. The afterword, comparing globull warming to eugenics, was worthy of a polonium sandwich by itself.
The article is dated way beck then but the YouTube live feed is of right now
It was predicted that part of the island will eventually break loose sliding into the sea, and cause a big tsunami on the east coast. Now a volcano is erupting there.
Fingers crossed
Yes, the volcano blew today
oh shit
"In the absence of confirmation, the crust is fracturing at more points on the west face of La Palma The situation is getting complicated"
Fear mongering. Done for profit.
Heard major hurricane planned for a week to 10 days from now hitting the east coast.
Been lots of worldwide volcanic activity too recently.
HAARP? Timed to wash over the audit reveal?
That's fear porn, by the same types who prophesied Y2K was going to cause a massive infrastructure failure.
Killing off the Canary Islands landslide megatsunami scare
BBC: SOD the scientific consensus!
Look OUT! MEGA TSUNAMI is coming
"No such event, a mega tsunami, has occurred in either the Atlantic or Pacific oceans in recorded history. NONE," the Society explained. Volcanic collapses are so rare, they happen only every few million years. And the Cumbre Vieja volcano will not cause a massive and sudden rock displacement. Waves caused by eruptions simply don't travel like quake-generated waves for thousands of miles, their impact is intense and local.
¡Dios mío!
And it’s gone.
It's a perfect storm situation. Possible but not probable.
This possibility has been known for years. Why is it just now becoming an OMG!! moment?
Because it is erupting
Well, "erupting" is one thing, and it's common for volcanoes. The problem comes (if it comes at all) is when said eruptions are in the explosive category like Mt. St. Helens a few years ago, or Krakatoa back in the 1800s. The latter is when huge pieces of earth are suddenly blown into the sky (or ocean) and can cause tsunamis and atmospheric issues many miles away. But the volcanoes like in Hawaii or here on Canary Island seem to be more of the slow seepage variety.... inconvenient and even dangerous locally, but not globally.
So yeah, if the Canary Island volcano suddenly erupted in an explosion of material into the Atlantic, we could experience tsunamis on the US east coast and all up and down Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. So far, though, it's just speculation.
I learned about this island more than 10 years ago. Back then I could not have imagined that someone would blow it up on purpose, now that it is a possible reality, it's a bit frightening.
Have you read ‘State of Fear’, by Michael Crichton ? He died of ‘cancer’ … wrote the script for this years ago. The afterword, comparing globull warming to eugenics, was worthy of a polonium sandwich by itself.
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How far inland will it reach in Florida? I'm about 30 miles in from Melbourne. .
Already defused. There will be no large eruption.
What does that mean?