So, my client wears 3 masks, is double vaxxed, maybe triple, daughter is a millennial pharmacist and they jabbed the 94 year old grandma and have isloated her in her home for 18 months. Grandma is anemic now, blood in stool...actually this 94 year old was healthier than the daughter and granddaughter (pharmacist) because the younger ones are both on psych meds for anxiety and depression, but its definitely NOT the jab. Definitely. Why do we listen to mentally ill people? 90% of all psychologists couches are liberals. Literally mentally ill people are deciding all the policies now. Its gonna be hell on earth here soon.
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Liberalism is the new Schizophrenia.
No, it's not. It's worship of Satan and He is the Father of Lies and wishes all humans dead. All of us. Every one. He is behind the "depopulation" plans that wicked men come up with. It's important to understand the forces of evil, because as has been pointed out endlessly since Q began, this is the ultimate battle between good and evil, thus far in human history. There could be more battles after this, but this is a BIGGIE.
It really is. Woke progressives, are 100% mentally ill.
It literally comprises the majority of therapist patients
If you believed what they believed that’s the only natural reaction your brain would have.