I watched it, and some things stuck out to me.
Heres the plot <spoiler alert>. John Cusack is a rich guy/philanthropist vaccine company owner who develops a vaccine that is programmed to sterilize the world's next 3 generations. This is done for some sanctimonious environmentalist notion that we're over populated, and approaching critical mass.
They get the entire world to beg for/demand the vaccine and get the FDA to skip normal clinical trials by engineering a pathogen that creates mass casualties and panic.
The story shows that they have been releasing pathogens for years in preparation for this latest one, and they have been responsible for many deaths as they prepared for this.
Sound familiar?
The whole show just struck me as odd. It almost looks like comms from a group that is required for some reason to telegraph their moves.
Hmm....... Sound familiar?
John Cusack is directly referenced in Q drops.
He's also one of loudest morons on Twitter
Exactly. Its almost like he's a part of some secret society that, at their core, are beholden to reveal their plots to the world through symbolism.
.....now where have I heard that before?
American Horror Story had a season where a coven of witches had to stop the antichrist. That season had a similar feel. Almost looked like comms the way it was laid out.
Wait until you see the new season where the elite drink babies blood to remain elite.
Funny how they always telegraph this stuff.
"Their symbolism will be their downfall."
That season is the best one! It’s unintentionally based.
Trump wins and the lesbian couple literally goes insane and starts hallucinating fake clowns harassing them.
I highly recommend.
Also, who fucking has Netflix. You can get all that free garbage on fmovies. Or get a commies Netflix password. Why pay these commies' money?
Also, if you have cable, cut the cord immediately. You can get most stuff locally with HD antennae or stream online.
Search for:: Watch 'movie name' online Free
Then go through the links, you'll find that many are going to charge you, BUT there are Hidden Gems in many other links...
Watch out for Massive Popups in some links, but there are still some who are based enough to not do popups....
Yeah. That wasn't lost on me either.
Yes. He was somehow involved with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which John Perry Barlow co-founded, promoting freedom of expression in digital media.
Barlow, lyricist for the Grateful Dead “passed away quietly in his sleep” in 2018.
Mentioned in several Q posts.
I used to love this guy and Ron Pearlman. So sad.
That dudes a commie.
Yeah. I didn't like it much.
No redeeming characters will do that to me.
I've not seen this movie, but based on your description I see a glaring hole in the plot.
If the vaccine is programmed to make people sterile, how can there be a 2nd or 3rd generation?
Mockingbird / bluebird in overdrive
I just started watching this and a few things stood out to me. I’m only about halfway through.
-they mention a Durham road
-this is a flu virus, yet the use the PCR test to diagnose it. The influenza test is a RIDT test or influenza culture. Why would they use a PCR test in their script?
-the vaccine inventor has a vaccine that is also a treatment, yet he knows it can cause damage. Seeing as how it was “successful” as treatment, why not recommend using it as a treatment and not prophylactic?
-he declines to release it on EUA. Was everyone familiar with this terminology before the pandemic? Has there ever been an EUA vaccine before?
This was filmed in 2019. The terminology they use is just too… real. It seems very unlikely to have emerged with just organic writing.
Thanks for the breakdown, Anon!
Yeah. So many weird correlations in this show! Its like they already had the script or something.
American Horror Story (binged all seasons) had many weird correlations as well.
I wonder who's doing their writing.
Could it be.........................................Satan?
I highly recommend watching the UK show if you can get your hands on it. Be warned--it has some NSFL violence. Not for the faint of heart. It's chock full of redpills though. And dark humor, if that's your thing.
The US version is so bad it's almost a parody.