Is this the false flag Killary ordered?
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When you tweet out "CODE:RED" and then this happens, well.....
Tennessee doesn't claim Memphis.
Haaaaymen. Memphrica is it's own thing.
It's certainly that.
Honestly I'm surprised they haven't done this but the shooter is 100% fully decked out in MAGA gear from head to toe.
Smells like the Colorado one...any dogs hit actors on camera like the last one?
Why King Soppers Kroger’s? Only thing I can figure is these unions are all over the Democrats with big money donated.
Didn't go so well did it?
I'd say by deep state standards it went great.
He shot a bunch of innocent people then shot himself.
He didn't manage to kill anyone and judging by how it was hastily put together by Shillary, the guy is dead right? Usually the shooter is alive afterwards but it seems with this one, he deliberately killed himself for a reason. Whether he would had confessed or not, well it depends on the person really.
Memphian here. He ended up injuring 13, killing 1, then shooting himself. I can't say I'm surprised something finally happened here. He apparently was a former Kroger employee, but that's was also not a surprise...
Just like Covid, they get what they need out of it in harvesting emotions.
She can do better then that. C'mon man!
Not - Walking in Memphis....
Hanoi Jane Fonda and Di Caprio also posted with same code red congress video.
Any news on suspect
They didn't jump right on it, so he must not be white
Kroger has sushi chefs?
Sushi is pretty common in nicer grocery stores now. It's usually pretty good.
You'd have to hold me at gunpoint to get me to eat that shit...