The seeming insanity of important units being stripped of the only staff rated for specific weapons platforms like the f-22 is self-evident, as it leaves a gigantic hole in defense coverage, force options, and so much else. And just as clearly, it should never have been agreed on by any military command with or without any mandate, since the operational mission capability of units is a far higher priority that signing on as lab-rat volunteers for some civilian biopharm experimentation... which dont rate at all on any priority or objectives list.
More treason, and this time aimed at the armed forces.
So.. I did a search for 'colonel theresa long'. Found this story linked to and covered on other sites. This one in particular links to the lady in question via a medical profile site:
Here is contact info including a phone number if you would like to call up the Lyster Army Health Clinic at Fort Rucker and ask if she is real.
So thats about a minute or two of searching, simple, easy, not occluded in any way. If she is fan fiction, and the story is, is the military facility, the medical site, all some big collaborative fan fiction effort as well?
thank you. this is important for confirmation. For what it's worth, that didn't come up in my own searches. I am going to go update my comments with these links.
Welcome! To be fair, it was true comment to make that I didn't check the validity of the claims being made, taking them as I did on trust.. such is the nature of posted stories and articles. However it was also trivially easy to do.. so its incorrect saying that there are no sources or substantiated validity.
Welcome.. the deepcapture site itself is one I haven't come across until now. The guy who made it seems like he got seriously fed up with fake news and crime shenanigans during the 2008 financial thievery with the mortgage company meltdowns, bailouts, crooked banks and the like. Which I can totally relate to.
Good luck, Gen Flynn has blasted out that link on his telegram as well but with that said it still needs even more exposure.
I'm actually a bit familiar with deepcapture as was following it around the election, and I think Patrick Byrne is someone I generally listened to, although it's not totally clear to me what his motive is/was. His behind the scenes about what happened with the election was disturbing to read as it painted such a picture of incompetence. Can't work out if he's actually quite dialled in to whatever is going on behind the scenes or is just coasting on it somehow... Have considered that he's spreading careful disinfo to create overconfidence in the other side, and also that he's actually just revealing genuine disfunction in the trump camp...
The super hero picture when you click on the link automatically makes you think it's b.s. If they got rid of that, the message would be received better.
I agree it makes the site just look instantly like some ones blog or personal website.
I believe in valid, recognized sources (no, not oann or gateaypundit either) when it comes to learning - cuz once I learn, I’m gonna share, and trying to share a gatewaypundit story for example vs a link to the American frontline doctors that someone commented above, is a difference between getting someone to pay attention and not. We aren’t gonna get the enemy to dig their own grave - we could send em a million gatewaypundit links - but they aren’t gonna go digging for source on their own so will disregard and shut down the argument.
I know this tactic works well - legit sources only - cuz I’ve turned quite a few heads. Like the fbi informants orchestrating Jan 6th - no one believes me for months til more video was clipped and stories slowly rolled in with official sources cited for certain folks being informants or tied to them. Now nytimes reporting this month that they were informants there. Now if this Maricopa shit would just hit the fan a little more…
I agree. For a bunch of "researchers" the court case and affidavit as filed shouldn't be difficult to find. It's legitimate. It's Exhibit 4 in Roberts et. al v. Austin et. al in Colorado District court.
and for a buncha “question everything”ers the rest of you dipshits taking anything at face value just cuz it aligns with what we all want is exactly how the leftists we blame for getting us in this mess think.
Your link, professor rabbi, is trash. U less is a known reputable source I’m unaware of. No way this could be made up now. It looks all official so it MUST be real. Gimme a break. I WANT it to be real, but so far, nada, just some shop work any need could pull off in a afternoon.
Point your browser to PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) at Create an account ... very simple and open to anyone.
Use the "Case Locator" search and search by case number 1:2021cv02228. Select the case "Robert et al v Austin et al" in the District of Colorado -- should be the 1st result. Select "History/Documents". You'll find Dr. Long's affidavit in item 17.
Then again, I could have hacked the entire federal court filing system and created this case and hundreds of accompanying documents all by myself with photoshop this afternoon.
Please read the whole affidavit, brilliantly written.
I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years in the Army, go from Colligate level athlete training for Ranger School, to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of getting vaccinated.
Several military physicians have shared with me their firsthand experience with a significant increase in the number of young Soldiers with migraines, menstrual irregularities, cancer, suspected myocarditis and reporting cardiac symptoms after vaccination.
[Myocarditis] carries a mortality rate of 20% at one year and 50% at 5 years. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, “despite optimal medical management, overall mortality has not changed in the last 30 years”.
10.k) That, in accordance with the foregoing, I hereby recommend to the Secretary of Defense that all pilots, crew and flight personnel in the military service who required hospitalization from injection or received any Covid 19 vaccination be grounded similarly for further dispositive assessment.
What concerns me is that the antifreeze is such a miniscule amount, that it is likely not the cause of the problems with the covid shots (nor is graphene oxide). I'm beginning to think all this opposition to the covid shot ingredients is just a way to deflect from the main problem with them: THEY ALTER THE RNA OF EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY!
The problem with this comment is that she is saying Polyethylene glycol is antifreeze; its not. That is what is used in cosmetics and toiletry products and is the main ingredient in Miralax stool softener. Its Ethylene Glycol that is antifreeze. Just because 2 chemicals sound similar, doesn't mean they are the same thing.
PEG is probably being used as a linker molecule. I'm guessing it's what links the RNA part to the lipid part. It's not like they just pour antifreeze into the vial. It's a chemical part of the biologic I bet. That being said I have in fact heard people at my company talking about how PEG linkers are the cause of toxicity when these drugs are tested in primates. At the last place I was working at they were trying to find a replacement linker because the poor mice kept having seizures.
Wow... of course we KNOW the answer, so I'll just say this rhetorically: Why isn't this spread all over America? It is now our duty to spread this ourselves.
When you forage into the cesspool of the woke military, you will see 2 things; 1) "Notvacksed? UCMJ violashens! Keelhaul at Fert Levenwerth! No Bennies! Bad Conduck Dishsharge!" and, 2) "You took the Anthrax vax...same fuckin thing wtf REEEEEE!" I am ashamed for them, as a 26-year retired Veteran. Faggots...
This LCOL put her life on the line to protect those whom she swore to protect and is a Hero.
It’s flat out murder in a sneaky fn War! You take the generally distracted and trusting public, add those who don’t want to loose their jobs and add in the forced-coerced group and take it worldwide. How many people are going to die or be forever compromised? It’s sinister as hell and just another step up from the visible wars the DS has long waged against us.
I am so frustrated - this needs to be shared, but the cartoon at the top would immediately discredit it for those already reluctant to read “alternative” media. Why can we not be professional??
I agree. For a bunch of "researchers" the court case and affidavit as filed shouldn't be difficult to find. It's legitimate. It's Exhibit 4 in Roberts et. al v. Austin et. al in Colorado District court.
Theory based on the ingredient in antifreeze and reptiles.
Other species of amphibians and reptiles hibernate near the soil surface where temperatures can drop below the freezing point of their blood. These animals have the ability to create a biological antifreeze in their bodies that prevents ice from forming in their blood.
Put together with this GAW article earlier. Pfizer CEO interview a month ago. Take note of the CEO’s neck. 3 times when he’s not talking.
Are we being inoculated with an alien vaccine to either be like them or more likely to clear the earth for their arrival and takeover of the earth. Then why so many UFO reports and the release of previously classified material.
PEG has been in cosmetics and bath products for a long time. I don't know it's transdermal qualities, but learned about it's presence when I was an avid soap maker. Yes, the very same thing the good DR is talking about.
Great post and document.
The seeming insanity of important units being stripped of the only staff rated for specific weapons platforms like the f-22 is self-evident, as it leaves a gigantic hole in defense coverage, force options, and so much else. And just as clearly, it should never have been agreed on by any military command with or without any mandate, since the operational mission capability of units is a far higher priority that signing on as lab-rat volunteers for some civilian biopharm experimentation... which dont rate at all on any priority or objectives list.
More treason, and this time aimed at the armed forces.
It’s not a document.
No source for if she exists. No source for the affidavit.
It may as well be fan fiction.
So.. I did a search for 'colonel theresa long'. Found this story linked to and covered on other sites. This one in particular links to the lady in question via a medical profile site:
The linked reference is here:
Here is contact info including a phone number if you would like to call up the Lyster Army Health Clinic at Fort Rucker and ask if she is real.
So thats about a minute or two of searching, simple, easy, not occluded in any way. If she is fan fiction, and the story is, is the military facility, the medical site, all some big collaborative fan fiction effort as well?
Occam's Razor.
thank you. this is important for confirmation. For what it's worth, that didn't come up in my own searches. I am going to go update my comments with these links.
Welcome! To be fair, it was true comment to make that I didn't check the validity of the claims being made, taking them as I did on trust.. such is the nature of posted stories and articles. However it was also trivially easy to do.. so its incorrect saying that there are no sources or substantiated validity.
Thanks for these links - am about to share this far and wide but need to be prepared for the pushback, so anything that corroborates is helpful.
It's Exhibit 4 in Roberts et. al v. Austin et. al in Colorado District court.
Here's the full affidavit and attachments
Welcome.. the deepcapture site itself is one I haven't come across until now. The guy who made it seems like he got seriously fed up with fake news and crime shenanigans during the 2008 financial thievery with the mortgage company meltdowns, bailouts, crooked banks and the like. Which I can totally relate to.
Good luck, Gen Flynn has blasted out that link on his telegram as well but with that said it still needs even more exposure.
I'm actually a bit familiar with deepcapture as was following it around the election, and I think Patrick Byrne is someone I generally listened to, although it's not totally clear to me what his motive is/was. His behind the scenes about what happened with the election was disturbing to read as it painted such a picture of incompetence. Can't work out if he's actually quite dialled in to whatever is going on behind the scenes or is just coasting on it somehow... Have considered that he's spreading careful disinfo to create overconfidence in the other side, and also that he's actually just revealing genuine disfunction in the trump camp...
Patrick lost a lawsuit for one of his deep capture posts. He fabricated a story and ruined some guys life.
His company also has some really shady bookkeeping.
I was surprised to see him involved in the election. But be weary. I don’t think everything Overstock does is legal.
Thx appreciate it, the search I did turned up very little but reposts of Flynn’s message.
The super hero picture when you click on the link automatically makes you think it's b.s. If they got rid of that, the message would be received better.
Absolutely does. That makes the entire post look cheesy.
I agree it makes the site just look instantly like some ones blog or personal website.
I believe in valid, recognized sources (no, not oann or gateaypundit either) when it comes to learning - cuz once I learn, I’m gonna share, and trying to share a gatewaypundit story for example vs a link to the American frontline doctors that someone commented above, is a difference between getting someone to pay attention and not. We aren’t gonna get the enemy to dig their own grave - we could send em a million gatewaypundit links - but they aren’t gonna go digging for source on their own so will disregard and shut down the argument.
I know this tactic works well - legit sources only - cuz I’ve turned quite a few heads. Like the fbi informants orchestrating Jan 6th - no one believes me for months til more video was clipped and stories slowly rolled in with official sources cited for certain folks being informants or tied to them. Now nytimes reporting this month that they were informants there. Now if this Maricopa shit would just hit the fan a little more…
Looks legit, thx that gives me some hope
I agree. For a bunch of "researchers" the court case and affidavit as filed shouldn't be difficult to find. It's legitimate. It's Exhibit 4 in Roberts et. al v. Austin et. al in Colorado District court.
Here's the full affidavit and attachments
and for a buncha “question everything”ers the rest of you dipshits taking anything at face value just cuz it aligns with what we all want is exactly how the leftists we blame for getting us in this mess think.
Your link, professor rabbi, is trash. U less is a known reputable source I’m unaware of. No way this could be made up now. It looks all official so it MUST be real. Gimme a break. I WANT it to be real, but so far, nada, just some shop work any need could pull off in a afternoon.
Point your browser to PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) at Create an account ... very simple and open to anyone.
Use the "Case Locator" search and search by case number 1:2021cv02228. Select the case "Robert et al v Austin et al" in the District of Colorado -- should be the 1st result. Select "History/Documents". You'll find Dr. Long's affidavit in item 17.
In case pictures help in your pursuit of knowledge
Then again, I could have hacked the entire federal court filing system and created this case and hundreds of accompanying documents all by myself with photoshop this afternoon.
Please read the whole affidavit, brilliantly written.
Kind of goes along with people’s predictions here that we will see the fallout from these things over the next 3-5 years, not necessarily immediately.
What concerns me is that the antifreeze is such a miniscule amount, that it is likely not the cause of the problems with the covid shots (nor is graphene oxide). I'm beginning to think all this opposition to the covid shot ingredients is just a way to deflect from the main problem with them: THEY ALTER THE RNA OF EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY!
I agree with the last part of the statement. Not so sure about antifreeze and graphene though. I wouldn't knowingly inject any amount into myself.
The problem with this comment is that she is saying Polyethylene glycol is antifreeze; its not. That is what is used in cosmetics and toiletry products and is the main ingredient in Miralax stool softener. Its Ethylene Glycol that is antifreeze. Just because 2 chemicals sound similar, doesn't mean they are the same thing.
I'm copying from another forum on this topic:
PEG is probably being used as a linker molecule. I'm guessing it's what links the RNA part to the lipid part. It's not like they just pour antifreeze into the vial. It's a chemical part of the biologic I bet. That being said I have in fact heard people at my company talking about how PEG linkers are the cause of toxicity when these drugs are tested in primates. At the last place I was working at they were trying to find a replacement linker because the poor mice kept having seizures.
Yeah, the "chemical found in yoga mats" thing for Subway really impacted how this sort of thing is told.
She stated it was DERIVED from the antifreeze molecule
Doesn’t mean Ethylene glycol is good for you either. Do not give children Merilax. Magnesium works better and is something your body needs anyways.
Wow... of course we KNOW the answer, so I'll just say this rhetorically: Why isn't this spread all over America? It is now our duty to spread this ourselves.
Its very new, Patrick Byrne and Dr Simone talked about it. Lets keep spreading this.
When you forage into the cesspool of the woke military, you will see 2 things; 1) "Notvacksed? UCMJ violashens! Keelhaul at Fert Levenwerth! No Bennies! Bad Conduck Dishsharge!" and, 2) "You took the Anthrax vax...same fuckin thing wtf REEEEEE!" I am ashamed for them, as a 26-year retired Veteran. Faggots...
This LCOL put her life on the line to protect those whom she swore to protect and is a Hero.
It’s flat out murder in a sneaky fn War! You take the generally distracted and trusting public, add those who don’t want to loose their jobs and add in the forced-coerced group and take it worldwide. How many people are going to die or be forever compromised? It’s sinister as hell and just another step up from the visible wars the DS has long waged against us.
Where are the receipts??? I cannot send this to normies because I can't prove who wrote this other than Patrick Byrne.
I can't find much of anything on her or this affidavit anywhere. I'm guessing this is her:
Does anyone know where to officially find this affidavit?
Roberts et. al v. Austin et. al in Colorado District court.
Here's the full affidavit and attachments
I am so frustrated - this needs to be shared, but the cartoon at the top would immediately discredit it for those already reluctant to read “alternative” media. Why can we not be professional??
I agree with this. Here you go fren:
Now you just have to convince your skeptics that Free Republic is a site they should deign to consider.
I agree. For a bunch of "researchers" the court case and affidavit as filed shouldn't be difficult to find. It's legitimate. It's Exhibit 4 in Roberts et. al v. Austin et. al in Colorado District court.
Here's the full affidavit and attachments
I m allergic to the serum
Pfizer; "Opps...that one was for the cold-blooded reptilians"
I found this interesting.
This is significant testimony.
Theory based on the ingredient in antifreeze and reptiles.
Other species of amphibians and reptiles hibernate near the soil surface where temperatures can drop below the freezing point of their blood. These animals have the ability to create a biological antifreeze in their bodies that prevents ice from forming in their blood.
Put together with this GAW article earlier. Pfizer CEO interview a month ago. Take note of the CEO’s neck. 3 times when he’s not talking.
Add the other components and apparently alive vaccine. See this vid starting at 1:27:00.
Are we being inoculated with an alien vaccine to either be like them or more likely to clear the earth for their arrival and takeover of the earth. Then why so many UFO reports and the release of previously classified material.
Wtf is with his neck is there a toad under that skin mask?? Creepy
NPC: Trump said "Drink BLEACH!!!"
Also NPC: "Antifreeze, yum"
PEG has been in cosmetics and bath products for a long time. I don't know it's transdermal qualities, but learned about it's presence when I was an avid soap maker. Yes, the very same thing the good DR is talking about.