Q has control of ALICE now. They never thought she would lose, because HRC was the observer who saw the timeline of her becoming president. The one doing the observing in Looking Glass affects the outcome of possibilities.
Ironically, CERN is built over the 'temple of Apollo'...
Read Revelation 9:11
Apollo = Apollyon = Abaddon = the DESTROYER of WORLDS = Shiva
Oh, but wait, they already knew that, cause they have a statue of SHIVA in the courtyard at CERN! And they do occultic ceremonies right in front of it
Pineal = the CHAIR
These technologies (ie, Montauk, Looking Glass) use and interface with consiousness (The third eye, pineal)
Montauk is called 'the chair'
The Pineal is and has always been called 'the seat of the soul'
Very nice for posting this! New Anons need to be aware that those older “conspiracies” are actually truth. If you are in this forum you should easily realize many so-called “conspiracies” have come true, and so ask yourself: When a DemoLib or Lamestream Media labels something “conspiracy”, ask what truth are they attempting to hide?
Ironically, this is a repost of an old post i made at voat or r/cbts
Can't remember. Been too long.
Thankfully i saved MANY of the hundreds of threads i posted, cause i had a feeling those sites would go down, which they did
Love this stuff
Me too... ;)
great post, links should keep me busy for awhile.
also think it's interesting that HRC's secret service code name is Evergreen, which is a 'pine' tree.
and JFK Jr. mentioned her name/Evergreen in George Book of Lists.
AND the fictional story from Survival Guide to the Future Edition of George Magazine was about a crisis in 2020 involving the elderly, and written by a man who is the king of ALTERNATE FICTION-
which I think is similar to what you mentioned above...the observer, timeline, etc. His name is Harry Turtldove and he has some creepy current fiction about DJT. the magazine editors called him a 'scribe' which sounds biblical...
the president from the story looks just like HRC, even puts her hand on her chin like she does
story also mentions a group of people that are always young, calls them 'time defiers'.
how many coincidences...
Well.... since you mentioned evergreen, here is a rabbit hole...
Look into Nimrod, babylon, 14 fish, Christmas, obelisks, vesica pisces, 153 fish, i could keep going..
Namely, nimrod = evergreen, hence is heavy usage by nimrod worshipers
i don't recognize a couple of those, so will be interesting. thanks for the list! and i've been meaning to research obelisks, this will give them some context, always thought they were strange symbols. wonder if they form some type of pattern on a map...
will also have to keep an eye out for nimrod. i have some George Magazines-they have articles about all kinds of things, have some old encyclopedias too.
I researched CERN a lot while watching Fullmetal Alchemist
There's definitely something up with it. The map of the hadron collider looks a lot like the human transmutation array in Fullmetal
I also researched Montauk a lot as well. I used to have nightmares about it, which were so vivid I felt I may have been involved with it.
This is all good material for people to start a deep dive of evidence proving the supernatural is very real and also the kind of corrupt and occultism the government involves itself with
Definitely just opening the rabbit holes on a few topics for Qoobs.
I also recommend watching 12 monkeys....
I have just started Full Metal Alchemist myself. Any (non-spoliery) insight on CERN? Or do I need to just watch and wait? Any good CERN resources I should check out now/as I progress in the show?
Just wait and watch.
Be sure you watch BOTH iterations of Fullmetal, they are both amazing anime on their own. I have a feeling Arakawa has been used as a prophet and she is completely unaware of it. The fact her longest running and second most successful property is just a slice of life farming story tells me FMA might have been divinely inspired out of her control.
Above Top Secret are cucks but even they are questioning CERN
But even they dismiss CERN conspiracy as anti science and a hoax
Things to research on your own
CERN and the human sacrifice ritual that MSM debunked as a joke.
What is the CERN arts department
What the name CERN actually means
The myth of Shiva and how it relates to CERN
CERN and the missing black hole
Where CERN was built (Apollo)
The length and shape of LHC at CERN
Who funds CERN
Don't use Google, because it's all debunk results and msm.
I wish there was a single link spilling it all but the CERN stuff is a deep rabbit hole
Thanks so much friend! I will check it out :)
Andrew Basiago mentions "time travel goes back to N. Tesla's stay in Colorado Springs in 1899" The Adventures of Little Baron Trump were written in the 1890s? Hmmm. The Last President or 1900 as well. Just a coincidence.
Ahh, so where does the "holy bible" fit into this? Where does organized religion of ANY kind fit into this? As it IS within so it IS without? Could it be we ARE the temple of God? Could it be the Word of God is in OUR heart? Could it be the Kingdom of Heaven/or Hell is within US? The biggest awakening will occur in the dogmatic Religious communities. It has to. Man in The Mirror.
You are exactly 1000000% correct.
I might as well have typed everything you just did.
Needless to say, you know WHAT 'Christ' is.
Now think about geotus. He 'opened the door of all doors' per Q.
'Christ' ... 'stands at the door' etc etc 'who ever knocks' etc
From Sonic=>Super Sonic
Then, you get this constant spew of lies here:
Exactly, drives me NUTS. I was fortunately/unfortunately raised in a Pentecostal cult, Mt Zion Fellowship, in the middle of bumfuck BC, associated with "the Jesus People" movement. I KNOW the deceit. I experienced many things as a child. One being a clear memory of UFO encounter (12yrold). I was never the same after that. I feel I was "deprogrammed". The Religion thing will be the most earth shattering behind the child trafficking/raping/torturing/DNA trafficking etc. Those we were taught to TRUST the most.
I would submit that this enigmatic Q riddle should read P = Postal
It is deeply tied in with the Vatican.
Postal = commerce = shipping = banking = judges. All under maritime law.
Read the 1871 Postal Union contract. Compare a postal stamp to the dollar bill. Who's on the bills? Postmasters and letter-carriers.
Note the term: PORT PAYED. Not Postage paid, but PORT payed.
Compare the Postal identification to, for instance, the 1942 Ausweiß. Those are your shipping papers, or bill of lading if you will.
The UPU now functions as a special agency to the UN for making sure all 8 billion people on this planet are hooked up into their postalcode system.
The totally support the SDR= special drawing rights.
And they are making sure the vaxx reaches everyone according to their adagium: if not all are safe, none are safe.
First thing that needs to go: International treaties are on equal or higher footing with the Constitution.
Interesting, I hadn't made that connection.
I gotta look at some Papal statues again... See if I spot any pineal symbolism.
You will...
Look for pinecones on a staff, or markers on the forehead, usually on crowns or hats.
The pinecones is the typical pineal symbolism...
Goes back millenia