155 We are on DAY 20 of 21 DAYS OF PRAYER 🙏 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by FormerLibtard94 3 years ago by FormerLibtard94 +156 / -1 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I say we on day 21
STILL not threeweekfagging this thing.
The 21 days will come and go.
Thanks, although I should add that something major COULD have happened during the 21 days that we won't find out about for awhile, if ever.
What if 9/11 was day 1?
It makes sense to pray on/for 9/11.
it was
So then, isn't today day 21
Not if you prayed on September 11th when Trump made the request. Seems to me that would have been a good day to pray.
Hmmm... I like it
Am I the oy one who thinks time is speedibg up. That went by so fast!
I agree too. Mt 24 does say that God will speed up time. Wonder if that is what we are experiencing now.
Still praying for my nation and its Patriots.
Day 21
Durhams funding ran out today. It was not renewed. What is the grand plan again?
DJT = 4/10/20 = EU date format for 4th October 2020. 1 year delta is in 3 days.
I like date fagging because it's funny, it helps to train the brain, it instils fear in the enemy.
Not good for setting the expectations tho. Be careful then.
21 days? Naw, pray every day.
Let's assume Oct 2nd is the correct day. Freedom and a better world for all await.