One of my early redpill moments was this song. My HS graduating class was successful in nominating and voting in this song to be our Class Song. It went over so well with the administration/faculty that they banned it's use at all of our Senior Class functions, our Prom, and our Graduation Ceremony. They said if we played it at any official school function that they'd fail the whole Senior Class and refuse to issue the Diplomas. We fought it all the way to the School Board, with no effect. It was at that moment I knew beyond doubt that out education system really is like the song says and that if we didn't work to change it, future generations would be screwed even worse than we were. That was 1993/94 school year.
Fast forward 6 yrs to 99/00 school year. My brother was graduating from the same HS. The school figured out through name association who my brother is realted to (me). They hauled him in and threatened everything short of arresting him, that if he even nominated "Another Brick in The Wall, Pt 2," that he'd be immediately suspended for yh remainder of the school yr and forced to return the following ue to finish up. Some of the hr same administrators I had were still there. Particularly one Asst Principal who had it in for our family. What did lil bro do? He nominated the song. They suspended him for the rest of that week, until my dad found out. Next day he goes in to talk to the principal, closes the blinds and locks the door to this asshole's office comes out about 10 min later, tells my bro, "git your ass to class, boy." Lil bro looks in the office at the Asst Principal, and he had literally pissed/shit himself during the meeting. Dad never really said what was said in that meeting, but it had to have been pretty scary for that man to have literally pissed/shit himself. Dude got fired later that year for the shit he put my brother through. It was then that my brother finally figured out the education system is rigged against us.
I was in class of ‘79. Our HS bought a huge jukebox for the cafeteria. A group of us would pump this song out over & over & a few days after the jukebox was installed, the admin took it out of cafeteria. What should they have expected?
One of my early redpill moments was this song. My HS graduating class was successful in nominating and voting in this song to be our Class Song. It went over so well with the administration/faculty that they banned it's use at all of our Senior Class functions, our Prom, and our Graduation Ceremony. They said if we played it at any official school function that they'd fail the whole Senior Class and refuse to issue the Diplomas. We fought it all the way to the School Board, with no effect. It was at that moment I knew beyond doubt that out education system really is like the song says and that if we didn't work to change it, future generations would be screwed even worse than we were. That was 1993/94 school year.
Fast forward 6 yrs to 99/00 school year. My brother was graduating from the same HS. The school figured out through name association who my brother is realted to (me). They hauled him in and threatened everything short of arresting him, that if he even nominated "Another Brick in The Wall, Pt 2," that he'd be immediately suspended for yh remainder of the school yr and forced to return the following ue to finish up. Some of the hr same administrators I had were still there. Particularly one Asst Principal who had it in for our family. What did lil bro do? He nominated the song. They suspended him for the rest of that week, until my dad found out. Next day he goes in to talk to the principal, closes the blinds and locks the door to this asshole's office comes out about 10 min later, tells my bro, "git your ass to class, boy." Lil bro looks in the office at the Asst Principal, and he had literally pissed/shit himself during the meeting. Dad never really said what was said in that meeting, but it had to have been pretty scary for that man to have literally pissed/shit himself. Dude got fired later that year for the shit he put my brother through. It was then that my brother finally figured out the education system is rigged against us.
Fun times.
I was in class of ‘79. Our HS bought a huge jukebox for the cafeteria. A group of us would pump this song out over & over & a few days after the jukebox was installed, the admin took it out of cafeteria. What should they have expected?
That's one way to increase the song's popularity among high school students.
Another brick in the wall is a refrence to the tower of babel.
I always took it to mean each is just another brick in the communal wall, like human individuals are just peices of the Communist machine.
That's exactly what the tower of babel is.
Made of bricks and mud. Its all allegory.
Its a weak system that inevitably collapses the bigger it gets.
Every person is a brick in the wall of the tower, helping to support everything above it, until it can't sustain it anymore.
Umm... Welcome to the machine. What did you dream? It's alright, we told you what to dream...
The original words to that song are also more pertinent than ever, given what they are doing in schools.
Its education not inoculation... But sounds good.. True..