Especially stupid to mess with dogs that are bred to protect. Our dog knows who belongs in the neighborhood and doesn't mess with those that live on our street
But if someone tried anything with me or my family than heaven help them. Extremely powerful jaws heavy fur around the neck and throat area. Very intelligent and if you see a German shepherd charging you you might as well stand still because you aren't going to get away.
Raised, bred and trained in obedience shepherds back in the 80' em...they will only take so much before they unleash 100+ pounds of whoop teeth on you. Had one, Max..135lbs, huge dog...even the mailman would cross the street. He wasn't mean but the sight of him was all it took...hell the dog weighed more that 5ft tall 90 lb me, obedient as they come...he protected me once from sexual assault...I just let him have at the guy. Called him off when the guy couldn't be a threat any longer...he deserved every bite Max took out of him.
Have had dog(s) ever since....I like them better than a lot of humans out there...especially these days..
Muslims seems to think that their religion gives them the right to attack dogs!
It's the overbearing busybody of religions, applying their rules to everyone else.
It's the "Karen" of religions.
Especially stupid to mess with dogs that are bred to protect. Our dog knows who belongs in the neighborhood and doesn't mess with those that live on our street But if someone tried anything with me or my family than heaven help them. Extremely powerful jaws heavy fur around the neck and throat area. Very intelligent and if you see a German shepherd charging you you might as well stand still because you aren't going to get away.
it's called karma and Muslims don't believe in karma so ...
Raised, bred and trained in obedience shepherds back in the 80' em...they will only take so much before they unleash 100+ pounds of whoop teeth on you. Had one, Max..135lbs, huge dog...even the mailman would cross the street. He wasn't mean but the sight of him was all it took...hell the dog weighed more that 5ft tall 90 lb me, obedient as they come...he protected me once from sexual assault...I just let him have at the guy. Called him off when the guy couldn't be a threat any longer...he deserved every bite Max took out of him.
Have had dog(s) ever since....I like them better than a lot of humans out there...especially these days..
Blessings for those dogs....
We have a GSD too we haven't done anything to train her to be a guard dog she just does it naturally.
But she's afraid of my tiny four pound female cat GSDs are so fun
True that!
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving piece of human shit... In Dogs We Trust
Oh how I love dogs.
Did you notice when the dogs attacked people were suddenly excited. Too bad we dont know what they said, what side they were on.
Danggggg... gotta get me some shepherds...
Breeding my 2 pick of the litter kangals soon. Look em up. Best dogs ever!!!
Too bad the dog didnt rip the moslems juggler.
Should have never pulled the dogs off. POS
My Mals would have killed that fucker before I could have shot him.
Dog should remove the ability for him to procreate.
That feel when German immigrants invade your Muslim country.