Also the very reason that "they wont be able to walk down the street".
You think BLM/Antifa was aggressive? The lefties like to Larp about jan 6th, wait until they see a horde of angry men who have literally had the one thing that tied them emotionally to this human condition brutally slain for profit.
Woe to them whose need for continued convenience led them to being party to this great satanic violence against the children of man.
The level of violence, mayhem, depravity and rage that will be directed at these monsters will be one for the history books. You don't fuck with people's kids. We know they are & are protecting ours. When the rest figure it out, unfortunately for many far too late, it will be game on.
Say a prayer for the parents who COVID-euthanized their children before they fully understood that demons walk among us.
That is the hardest red pill to swallow.
Dark days ahead.
Also the very reason that "they wont be able to walk down the street".
You think BLM/Antifa was aggressive? The lefties like to Larp about jan 6th, wait until they see a horde of angry men who have literally had the one thing that tied them emotionally to this human condition brutally slain for profit.
Woe to them whose need for continued convenience led them to being party to this great satanic violence against the children of man.
The level of violence, mayhem, depravity and rage that will be directed at these monsters will be one for the history books. You don't fuck with people's kids. We know they are & are protecting ours. When the rest figure it out, unfortunately for many far too late, it will be game on.
This is why they’re doing their best to blame the unvaxxed.
I don’t know. Should the plan really require the genocide of millions of children just to “wake people up”?
That's life. The end won't be for everyone.
It doesnt require it, this is war. We are using their depravity to wake people up. Dont fall for the crap that Q is in control.
Some might call it biblical.
Constantly praying.
Unfortunately, this is my take on suicide weekend.
Its coming, and nothing can stop it.
Oh it's gonna come.
This is so cringe.
I've been "being told" since last November. It's getting old.
I've already seen this one posted on FB.
Between me and the better half it is agree to be one TOLUSO. She is Red-pilled but the Plan is too Yuge for her.
That mask is too creepy.
Guy Fawkes mask? Nah... Look into that story, though: "Gunpowder Plot"
Quite the education.
It's trying way too hard to be edgy.