If I was a single letter of the alphabet with godlike powers to shape and predict? the future and reshape a world I'd leave enough ink in the pen to also fix America's conSOOMER import shithole economy.
Any capitalist reading this story is smelling raw unfiltered profit right here...make the fking shit here NOW, order the slabs of steel from a mine inside the states and start cutting out new fucking ujoints. (or aluminum whatever they use now adays)
This sounds like a good opportunity to pull the right people together and start a company that focuses on obtaining and/or making parts that are hard to get in the US.
It's costing my business. Not only do we have shortages, we are also buying too much of everything because we're worried we won't be able to purchase in the near future.
Someone threw a wrench in the gears and the whole damn thing is slowly grinding to a halt.
We all think of China in control of the current situation here at home presently. Ask yourselves whats gonna happen when your oh so great stores such as Home Depot, Walmart, Amazon and other monopolies take stage right here from home! Its gonna come folks, the writing is on the wall. We all think its bad now, just wait until these greece ball companies have their turn. We are gonna have nowhere to turn for common goods because all the small brick and mortar shops have been eaten by these big fish. People need to wake the f--- up already. BOYCOTT these monopolies once and for all. They are not serving the best interests of us or our nation.
Make your own shit. regional local buy and sell skills for hire etc THIS WAS LIFE 80 YRS AGO. Hell most Americans grew the bulk of their food on their own property the concept of a grocery supermarket is a modern and unholy creation as is the blight of Home Despot and city-destroyers like walmart
I'm glad to hear the very same views I have, totally agree with you. Life 150 years ago around this place was dependant only on one selfs skills, hard work and drive for survival for themselves and thier very own families. Todays society would be laughed off stage by our earlier generations, mocked as the biggest group of soft handed pussies ever. Sad thing is, its very true, and we now see it everyday around us, up close and personal, in many different avenues of life.This lazy society can't get its own shit together long enough to get off their own dead beat ass to serve an icecream cone to a generation of people that have earned it, before 5 p.m. in the day, WTF!! This shit actually is happening in a town near you, look around. Life has an easy concept, when your thrown out of a boat, you have two easy choices, either sink or swim and reek the rewards of your faithful choice. Self dependence is a priceless asset, skills at real life and survival is king and we need alot more swimmers in this place we call home.
This is what happens when jobs are shipped out of America. I really think this is to expose the threat of not keeping jobs and suppliers here in the states.
All those cargo ships waiting outside our ports! Initial explanation was lack of workers because of covid and fat unemployment checks. Turns out that's not true. Ships are not being allowed in.
the last breakdown i saw about ships waiting to get in was basically "there's nowhere to unload" since demurrage space is full. lack of truck capacity is keeping stuff stuck in demure. train capacity is full, and no truck containers to get from port to train.
it's essentially the "spring traffic jam" scenario where with enough density/volume, every movement just stacks up again, then creeps, then jams. (think highway traffic with no exits - tap of the brakes up front causes the rear to come to a complete stop and it compounds)
I work for a company that planned a massive server hardware refresh. The project has all but stalled this week when the vender said it won't be until spring 2022 until they can start shipping new servers. There's now talk of using end-of-life used servers to expand capacity.
Everything is fucked right and it's only going to get worst before it gets better. Normies are fooling themselves if they think complying with the jab will get us back to normal. They DS want to end our way of life.
At a point like this, IF I had to, I'd find out where my Local Manufacturer is at...
Then have him use a Micrometer to measure the X part of the Universal, then the Caps inside and out, and have him CUT some new caps, and Bearings, after rerounding the center piece....
On the other hand, IF you know of a Car, Truck or Rig that has interchangeable parts, whether it's at a Junk Yard or a friends house.....
If the semi trucks all halt up, is there anything stopping an everyday dude from grabbing a quick permit or two and running some shipping in his pickup? Besides bureaucracy?
Seems like we could benefit from some companies getting local, but also from some unemployed people who have some extra time utilizing their resources to meet the gap and earn some money.
I mean, a Peterbilt will run you in the six figures easily to pull several tons. You can't tell me the costs won't scale down to a few pickups pulling a ton or so each.
We can make this work. It'll suck for a bit, but it can work.
Lol I remember reading about how truckers hate truckers that haul tandem loads because it means they're taking a bunch of extra risk just to take a job from a fellow trucker.
I don't know about all that. I am a mechanic. The only problem I'm having with parts is it takes longer to get them depending on where they come from if I have to order something.
We have usa made ujoints available.they just need to switch brands.
As far as new trucks go. Where I'm working,we just bought 2 brand new trucks. Got 1 a couple months ago.getting the 2nd this week. The second truck was delayed cuz they stopped building 2021s due to the pandemic nonsense and they can't get them to pass emissions in the states.the 2nd truck was a canceled order that we grabbed.
I'm just not seeing this supply crisis. Stores food shelves are empty cuz they are keeping them empty. Walmart food section has empty shelves but the clothes and toys and bullshit stuff seems to be kept stocked quite well.no problem buying clothes. I just came back from upstate NY.grocery stores were very well stocked. Price choppers shelves were overfilled,EVERY SHELF WAS FULL!
Time for America to realize the importance of self sustainability. FUCK globalism!
If I was a single letter of the alphabet with godlike powers to shape and predict? the future and reshape a world I'd leave enough ink in the pen to also fix America's conSOOMER import shithole economy.
Any capitalist reading this story is smelling raw unfiltered profit right here...make the fking shit here NOW, order the slabs of steel from a mine inside the states and start cutting out new fucking ujoints. (or aluminum whatever they use now adays)
This sounds like a good opportunity to pull the right people together and start a company that focuses on obtaining and/or making parts that are hard to get in the US.
*The reliance on CHYNA is killing American Industry
Fabricators UNITE! We can do this all at home in the US. Our hypothetical parallel economy is gonna kick ass.
It's costing my business. Not only do we have shortages, we are also buying too much of everything because we're worried we won't be able to purchase in the near future.
Someone threw a wrench in the gears and the whole damn thing is slowly grinding to a halt.
This don’t look good .... this is what happend before ww2.
We all think of China in control of the current situation here at home presently. Ask yourselves whats gonna happen when your oh so great stores such as Home Depot, Walmart, Amazon and other monopolies take stage right here from home! Its gonna come folks, the writing is on the wall. We all think its bad now, just wait until these greece ball companies have their turn. We are gonna have nowhere to turn for common goods because all the small brick and mortar shops have been eaten by these big fish. People need to wake the f--- up already. BOYCOTT these monopolies once and for all. They are not serving the best interests of us or our nation.
Make your own shit. regional local buy and sell skills for hire etc THIS WAS LIFE 80 YRS AGO. Hell most Americans grew the bulk of their food on their own property the concept of a grocery supermarket is a modern and unholy creation as is the blight of Home Despot and city-destroyers like walmart
I'm glad to hear the very same views I have, totally agree with you. Life 150 years ago around this place was dependant only on one selfs skills, hard work and drive for survival for themselves and thier very own families. Todays society would be laughed off stage by our earlier generations, mocked as the biggest group of soft handed pussies ever. Sad thing is, its very true, and we now see it everyday around us, up close and personal, in many different avenues of life.This lazy society can't get its own shit together long enough to get off their own dead beat ass to serve an icecream cone to a generation of people that have earned it, before 5 p.m. in the day, WTF!! This shit actually is happening in a town near you, look around. Life has an easy concept, when your thrown out of a boat, you have two easy choices, either sink or swim and reek the rewards of your faithful choice. Self dependence is a priceless asset, skills at real life and survival is king and we need alot more swimmers in this place we call home.
This is what happens when jobs are shipped out of America. I really think this is to expose the threat of not keeping jobs and suppliers here in the states.
All those cargo ships waiting outside our ports! Initial explanation was lack of workers because of covid and fat unemployment checks. Turns out that's not true. Ships are not being allowed in.
the last breakdown i saw about ships waiting to get in was basically "there's nowhere to unload" since demurrage space is full. lack of truck capacity is keeping stuff stuck in demure. train capacity is full, and no truck containers to get from port to train.
it's essentially the "spring traffic jam" scenario where with enough density/volume, every movement just stacks up again, then creeps, then jams. (think highway traffic with no exits - tap of the brakes up front causes the rear to come to a complete stop and it compounds)
I work for a company that planned a massive server hardware refresh. The project has all but stalled this week when the vender said it won't be until spring 2022 until they can start shipping new servers. There's now talk of using end-of-life used servers to expand capacity.
Everything is fucked right and it's only going to get worst before it gets better. Normies are fooling themselves if they think complying with the jab will get us back to normal. They DS want to end our way of life.
At a point like this, IF I had to, I'd find out where my Local Manufacturer is at...
Then have him use a Micrometer to measure the X part of the Universal, then the Caps inside and out, and have him CUT some new caps, and Bearings, after rerounding the center piece....
On the other hand, IF you know of a Car, Truck or Rig that has interchangeable parts, whether it's at a Junk Yard or a friends house.....
If the semi trucks all halt up, is there anything stopping an everyday dude from grabbing a quick permit or two and running some shipping in his pickup? Besides bureaucracy?
Seems like we could benefit from some companies getting local, but also from some unemployed people who have some extra time utilizing their resources to meet the gap and earn some money.
I mean, a Peterbilt will run you in the six figures easily to pull several tons. You can't tell me the costs won't scale down to a few pickups pulling a ton or so each.
We can make this work. It'll suck for a bit, but it can work.
or buy a used semi and drive when the commerical vehicle inspectors are not generally working haha
Lol I remember reading about how truckers hate truckers that haul tandem loads because it means they're taking a bunch of extra risk just to take a job from a fellow trucker.
I don't know about all that. I am a mechanic. The only problem I'm having with parts is it takes longer to get them depending on where they come from if I have to order something.
We have usa made ujoints available.they just need to switch brands.
As far as new trucks go. Where I'm working,we just bought 2 brand new trucks. Got 1 a couple months ago.getting the 2nd this week. The second truck was delayed cuz they stopped building 2021s due to the pandemic nonsense and they can't get them to pass emissions in the states.the 2nd truck was a canceled order that we grabbed.
I'm just not seeing this supply crisis. Stores food shelves are empty cuz they are keeping them empty. Walmart food section has empty shelves but the clothes and toys and bullshit stuff seems to be kept stocked quite well.no problem buying clothes. I just came back from upstate NY.grocery stores were very well stocked. Price choppers shelves were overfilled,EVERY SHELF WAS FULL!
sound like someone with the smarts/venture capital could fix the parts shortage...