Well if I were to go full libertarian for a moment, I would say that's always been the case. Think you own land? Go ahead and try not paying taxes on it. See how long you "own" it.
The concept of ownership only makes sense if you also have the means to defend it against any who would take it from you, government included.
I agree that property needs to be defended, otherwise there is no property.. or wont be for much longer. The same holds with borders and nations.
In theory the libertarian view of 'pay no tax' also is fine if you want to maintain access roads yourself at your own cost, pay and maintain street lighting, public trash containers(or not), mow and keep clean curbs and such. Or setup 'local maintenance councils' to do the same in return for a fee each year.. which brings the discussion full circle to where we started.
Or one can go live up a mountainside with rainwater, septic tanks, solar panels and drones or light aircraft to go shopping for what you cant grow, raise or craft yourself. Liberty means you have the freedom to exercise all of these options, and sink or swim on the merits of each.
Maybe they can stop you selling it.. or force you to against your will. Maybe it will be used to force people to house violent refugees there. I dont see anyway this will end well for the 'owners'.. a poison chalice.
“We took this from you. We will now give some back to you and keep part of what you buy with it, which you will then continue to pay property taxes on.”
"You didn't vote for us, but the majority did, so we'll take your money, and give some of it to those who did vote for us, under the guise of welfare, so that they'll vote for us again in the next elections."
My question is what does a share entail? Does it serve to quarter troops in your back bedroom or does it exist to assume total ownership when politically convenient. I’m leaning towards the latter. I could see them trying to sell their stake for budgeting and that leaves the homeowner good and well screwed. Good luck finding another property when the market becomes artificially inflated due to government intrusion.
If they own a subdivision they have a prison. They'll block you in restrict travel Nd bam. There is your new female camp. Your own house now turned over to the feds for money. Money that's going to crash and be useless soon.
The elite need to convert fiat money to real property Nd younare helping them. Their money is going to disappeR Nd not be converted to the new dollars. The elite will be bankrupt if they don't secure assets they can sell after the new money comes out.
How can you 'buy' a thing.. but then still not really own it? Which is the case if the government still keeps ownership over 'a share'
Sounds like the shittiest rental deal of all time.
Well if I were to go full libertarian for a moment, I would say that's always been the case. Think you own land? Go ahead and try not paying taxes on it. See how long you "own" it.
The concept of ownership only makes sense if you also have the means to defend it against any who would take it from you, government included.
I agree that property needs to be defended, otherwise there is no property.. or wont be for much longer. The same holds with borders and nations.
In theory the libertarian view of 'pay no tax' also is fine if you want to maintain access roads yourself at your own cost, pay and maintain street lighting, public trash containers(or not), mow and keep clean curbs and such. Or setup 'local maintenance councils' to do the same in return for a fee each year.. which brings the discussion full circle to where we started.
Or one can go live up a mountainside with rainwater, septic tanks, solar panels and drones or light aircraft to go shopping for what you cant grow, raise or craft yourself. Liberty means you have the freedom to exercise all of these options, and sink or swim on the merits of each.
If only the government would leave us unmolested to pursue such independence.
Username checks out.
I bet when you die, govt gets the home.
Maybe they can stop you selling it.. or force you to against your will. Maybe it will be used to force people to house violent refugees there. I dont see anyway this will end well for the 'owners'.. a poison chalice.
No vaccine? Forfeit your shares of the house.
Speak out against the government? Same.
Insult a faggot? To the streets with you.
Definitely allows them to put cameras in your home, now that it’s also government property. Then they get to watch everything you do and say.
Or enter whenever they feel like it.
Yup sounds about right because they in no way want your children to receive anything.
Government money is taxpayer money.
“We took this from you. We will now give some back to you and keep part of what you buy with it, which you will then continue to pay property taxes on.”
"You didn't vote for us, but the majority did, so we'll take your money, and give some of it to those who did vote for us, under the guise of welfare, so that they'll vote for us again in the next elections."
My question is what does a share entail? Does it serve to quarter troops in your back bedroom or does it exist to assume total ownership when politically convenient. I’m leaning towards the latter. I could see them trying to sell their stake for budgeting and that leaves the homeowner good and well screwed. Good luck finding another property when the market becomes artificially inflated due to government intrusion.
If they own a subdivision they have a prison. They'll block you in restrict travel Nd bam. There is your new female camp. Your own house now turned over to the feds for money. Money that's going to crash and be useless soon. The elite need to convert fiat money to real property Nd younare helping them. Their money is going to disappeR Nd not be converted to the new dollars. The elite will be bankrupt if they don't secure assets they can sell after the new money comes out.