posted ago by AbjectDynamite ago by AbjectDynamite +54 / -0

Pedes - I've always liked Bond movies. Went to see the new one tonight, and left pissed off in a way only you guys are going to understand.

Now I understand why they waited a year to show it.

Here's the plot:

A scientist created microscopic nano bots with computer programing which can act like a virus. The bots can be/are targeted to an individual’s DNA. The bots can be programmed to kill specific people or an entire race through organ failure, or sterilization, et cetera. In the movie, the British were creating/designing them to "protect" secret agents in the field. From “enhancing” DNA to be resistant to poisons, to other enhancements. Bad guy steals the tech, a willing scientist, and happens to have a global database of human DNA. You get infected by having it sprayed on you (can someone say chem trails, or other fine mist arisol spray) or someone else. Harmless to you (unless you're the target), transferred person to person. Once the target is reached the target dies - and anyone else with targets' DNA. **Once infected it's irreversible. **As if that bullshit wasn't enough, Craig is dead, and now the future of 007 is a God damn woman?! WTF.

Rant over.