Catholic Owned Hospital Denies Religious Exemptions to its Employees... No This is Not From The Babylon Bee
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This is proving that someone is PAYING people to push this.
All Anons just need to research and expose money trails. That's it!
They should demonstrate outside the hospital with signs that expose that the aborted fetal cells are in the vaccine.
Most people outside these boards don’t know.
Shame on our church leaders. They say one thing sanctity of life but hold the door open for the demon sacrifices.
I’m mad.
Does this not echo what the Vatican's Paul VI said -- "The smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God"? Of course he was referring to the Vatican Church as a corporate entity. A corporation by legal definition is a legal fiction; a person.
The real temple of God actually resides in any of us who accepts the Holy Spirit. Being created in the image of God, there must also exist in each of us in our bodies a consecrated sanctity for the Holy Spirit to reside. That sanctity precludes any toxins forcibly injected into our bodies. This is a violation against the Spirit and is nothing less than another form of rape.
They always miss the part where being vaxxed means absolutely nothing in terms of stopping transmission and even severe illness/death. This isn’t about health at all, and I feel like we’re the only ones who recognize it.
Yup. Was scrolling through YT shorts and caught a Rogan clip where he talks about how insane it is that a test showing you are not positive does not get you by whole being jabbed does. Considering jabbed people are still catching and spreading it while a healthy person with proof of their health can not do the same thing.
Your right. The facts don't matter. Reasoning with them or using logic is not what's driving them. They are following orders like good little Nazis.
My former Catholic university is the same. I found out yesterday that they force you to wear a mask inside everywhere, and you also MUST be vaxxed to even attend classes. Not donating another dime to them. Boy am I glad I I finished school well before all this nonsense started.
It's always about the money..... the fed's are going to withhold medicare / medicaid funds if hospitals don't bow to their demands. I'm currently working with a religious exemption at my central illinois catholic hospital - but I'm just waiting for that to be removed and the vax forced on us. Time will tell! God Bless Fren!!
NOTHING the Marxist fake church does is Catholic.