Q post #953: They think you will follow the STARS. They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE. THERE WILL COME A TIME NONE OF THEM WILL BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET.
I know of only one religion who's most respected scholars openly refer to every other race as cattle and who use stars as their sigil (re: the six pointed Star of Remphan that Luke warned us about in Acts 7:43) and who spit in Jesus Christ's face.
Is Mike Rothschild a member of that religion???
FEAR IS REAL (see Q post #1489, #2792)
Try saying "FEAR IS REAL" aloud without it sounding exactly like "Fear Israel". Go on, try it! What does that mean?
you know he lurks here. this is really going to upset him 😋
He is in PANIC mode, trying too hard with his tweets makes him all the more obvious.
Can't believe someone hasn't 'disappeared' him in the LV desert.
So ready for JUSTICE.
What if I told you...we are ALL Mikey Rothschild...
Why do these idiots all look like kiddie fiddlers?
There's a real vacant degenerate look in their eyes, it's not hard to see.
I disagree.
Ɲew World Order globohomos should fear the truth.
I know of only one religion who's most respected scholars openly refer to every other race as cattle and who use stars as their sigil (re: the six pointed Star of Remphan that Luke warned us about in Acts 7:43) and who spit in Jesus Christ's face.
Is Mike Rothschild a member of that religion???
Try saying "FEAR IS REAL" aloud without it sounding exactly like "Fear Israel". Go on, try it! What does that mean?
Does the pope shit in the woods?
I prefer the rhetorical question of , "Is the Pope a pedophile?"
I'll have 'tiny hats' for 500, Mentok
Imagine making your entire life whining about something you don't agree with. What a looser.
like LIDDLE adam schiff of the LIDDLE kidz foundation
pretty sure that was his bedroom decor growing up.
This is not the right use for this meme. You’re saying he made up qanon as a fake boogie man to be afraid of.
What's QANON?