496 Happy Otoya Yamaguchi day, everyone! On this day, October 12th in 1960, Otoya Yamaguchi took out the leader of the socialist party of Japan on live TV with a samurai sword, and communism never had a chance to take root in any meaningful way in Japan. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by penisse 3 years ago by penisse +497 / -1 118 comments download share 118 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I literally never knew this, they never taught us this. I'm looking this up, this dude is a hero.
We have never been taught so much. We are ignorant as much as lied to
I have a feeling we are more ignorant of things not even involving recent (past few hundred years). Maybe we could start with finding WTF is buried under the Vatican, and go from there.
what's under the sphinx in egypt