60 Is this base photo real ? Haven't seen this one before. What are the vertical stripes under normal stripes. Couldn't find info on that. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Magnify 3 years ago by Magnify +60 / -0 18 comments download share 18 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It lookes photoshopped to me.
Whwre is the original from?
Yes the wwg1wga and frogs are photoshopped, the rest is real.
So assume the frogs are not part of the original.
It looks natural enough to me.
Yeah I saw tbose were I was talking specifically about the odd chevron thing
I just found out it may mean lead cadet. Trying to get sauce.
I was so focused on the stripes I missed the frogs at first.
Really??! 😂
He was in the upper ranks of his military academy. I love the bone spur idiots. Had he continued in the military it would have been in officers school.
Found this: https://eu-browse.startpage.com/av/anon-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fforeignpolicy.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2009%2F05%2F090513_stripesb21.jpg%3Fw%3D525%26h%3D461%26quality%3D90&sp=1634512146T6d77c38b46d9d563983b0ee0af1aac303df4d5f08939356f5eb8f4f637089fab
Maybe Brigade Operations Officer?
I think it means Q.
That made me lol
It signifies the cadet platoon leader.
edited to add: As a cadet it means he's the captain.
Trump attended a military academy:
The three vertical stripes indicate his rank as Time Cop.
So Trump went to school with Pepe. Just W0W!