She was reading from her script sharing lots that I did not know. Here’s a few highlights:
- There’s not a single religious organization in the world that does not support covid “vaccines.”
- Over 96% of hospitalizations relating to covid in the US are unvaccinated.
- We are 99% more likely to survive covid if we’re vaccinated compared to unvaxxed.
- Aborted human fetal cells were not used in the development or testing of the vaccines.
- Getting vaxxed is something that we all need to do for our fellow man.
(Edit. Can’t believe I forgot this one) 6. The approved covid vaccines give you “much better immunity” than getting covid and developing natural immunity. (I almost laughed out loud at this one. Good thing I was sporting the required face diaper. I was starting to lose my poker face here.)
How have we been kept in the dark on all these vaccine facts?! This medical counseling is a requirement for me to submit a religious exemption. How am I supposed to take anything this muppet says seriously in the future? Guess I’ll be requesting a new doctor moving forward.
I would have said then why is it that I cannot sue you, or anyone for that matter, if you jab me and something happens to me as a result of that jab?
5 flat out lies, these people are insane. You cannot take these idiots seriously
Did you ask for sauce?
Reading from her script, she looked up long enough to tell me all the information they’re given comes from the CDC. This was simply a formality. I nodded along, thanked her for her time and got the fuck out of there. Disgraceful.
How in the world did you get through that - and still remember to use your manners?! Clueless doesn’t even begin to describe that woman!
Shoulda just gotten on your phone and started reading some random website while the moron was reading off her propaganda loat or bullshit. Complete ignoring of her garbage spiel and disinterest in her fake info.
Does the constitution require organized religion?
No it doesn’t. In fact religious rights have been upheld even in cases of the issue being a moral problem. It doesn’t have to be an organized religion only that it goes against your own conscience or moral code. These people don’t know what they’re talking about. For more info watch viva Frei’s video on vaccine mandates.
Here’s the video I referenced skip to 5:00 for the religious rights part but I recommend watching the whole video because it has some good info in it.
Thanks for this link!
You’re welcome!
Now it's known what the do to viable babies to produce the vaxx and don't forget Pfizer's emails a whistleblower leaked or evidence from children's health defence website no one could possibly refuse religious exemption now and everyone will wake up what America and the western world has turned into
Exactly! It doesn’t matter how many religious leaders say the vax is ok, people can refuse it legally based on their own moral reasons and for their religious beliefs due to the fetal cells used in the research. More people need to know this and fight back against people refusing their religious exemptions because those people are breaking the law by doing so.
May I ask if you have Kaiser?
Information is key in these types of situations. They have their script, we have ours. Be prepared frens. They have no solid data. Just a script. Print out the absolute truth on paper. Don't debate with them, just hand them your written information. Make it tangible. Something they can hold and feel and hopefully read. Trust me, they are getting paid bigly for their wicked deeds. Just let them know that we know. This scares them to death.
That's pretty fucking disgusting
I hope you got it on tape. Otherwise...
Keep this as evidence for the tribunals against physicians.
DR = doesn't read
Every one of these can be refuted immediately with the most simple of searches.
Except for nonsense like #5 which isnt even a debatable 'fact', just an opinion. How is crippling the world with illness and poisons helpful for 'our fellow man' ? Maybe helpful for slavers and genocidal people, but they are not fellow of mine.
So much for doctors and counseling. Maybe you should have requested a priest instead - why are doctors being put forward as some authority on religious exemptions?
When a doctor sits there with a straight face and tells you a bunch of blatant lies what you need to do is immediately slap them in the face and say:
“Hey Dr. Murder, everything that just came out of your stink hole is a lie!”
That might not wake them up, but you will feel better.
Your doctor is full of shit, and so are you if you follow that stupid line of bullshit she spewed out from the policy her masters have made her commit to memory.
Well, she batted 1000% too bad for her that it was 1000% wrong.
Best response is to say nothing at all and when she's done her propaganda speech politely as for a copy. If she says "no" then make sure you tell her you'll note that and leave. They want you to get into an argument. They can't deny your exemption if they're offering it. They know this and are just trying to coerce you into taking the jab.
That's not a doctor. It's an idiot with a PhD