Our tractor supply store has not carried it for over a month, they are going after the horsepaste now,soon you wait and see you will need a prescription and proof of mister ed ownership.
Order it soon because it will take a while. I was supposed to have mine in 10 days, that was on the 8th and it's still with Indiapost. Apparently their flight operations are delayed per the Apple Pharm rep.
I just heard that the Postal Service and another agency here in the U.S. is stopping or trying to stop IM coming in from outside our country. I'll look to see if I can find the information.
Hence why ivermectin is the cure for the coof and the jab…. Run out to your supply store that sells tractors and get yourself some horse paste
Our tractor supply store has not carried it for over a month, they are going after the horsepaste now,soon you wait and see you will need a prescription and proof of mister ed ownership.
Thinking about ordering a 3 year supply from India
Order it soon because it will take a while. I was supposed to have mine in 10 days, that was on the 8th and it's still with Indiapost. Apparently their flight operations are delayed per the Apple Pharm rep.
I just heard that the Postal Service and another agency here in the U.S. is stopping or trying to stop IM coming in from outside our country. I'll look to see if I can find the information.