DWACU https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacu
Born on 9/3/2021 Stock price $10.17
DWACW https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacw
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $0.51
DWAC https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwac
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $10.50
Congrats on the easy 25k
35k* lmao
Lol I am poor and can only put in $250 I am up a lot but I would fucking cum twice if I made $25,000 that easily.
Yeah i sold ally tesla for nice gains but am trying to save up cash for the impending mandates that I know are coming so that I can move to TX/FL so I only threw like $600 at this. I'm up like 1800 so far.
I'm gonna hold this though
Holding as well. If this goes to half of fakebooks market cap...then we're all retiring early lol