HAPPENING ....Police officers are leaving in masses....
More than 70% police officers have left the US city's police force....
What happens now?...
💥 B O O O O O M 💥

Chief of Police in Nahunta, GA. Thank you for your service. Now, everyone, take out those guns you just bought and learn how to use them. Find some like minded shooters to show you. "Retired" cops come to mind. You will be all right. Be prepared to fight. We will win.
Population of Nahunta, GA is 1,125.
I'm guessing the force size was not more than a half dozen at full strength, spread out over 3 shifts and off days.
Translation: the chief, plus one officer per shift.
What the city that size the only crime would be J walking I'm sure they spend most of their time time chasing cats out of trees. We need to walk out like Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, New york That will get people's attention quickly
The city had 4 officers and 3 left. I just researched it and was able to find the data.
35% of Chicago Police have been forced off the job by the mayor and we’re already overloaded, high crime urban gang warfare. Now? Bizarre. Beware.
I haven't found evidence that the "problem" police in Chicago have actually been let go yet. Seems like it's still at a stalemate between Beetlejuice and the FOP. Lightfoot is trying to get them to quit via her guidance and that's not real substance she can enforce.
Come teach, make the rounds.
Way back in the day, I took my two sons 8 and 10 yrs old, I think, and my wife to gun safety classes. The teacher was a big man, looked like Nick Nolte. Was a retired sky martial. He had us doing multiple shots at three targets. Boom boom pause boom boom, pause boom boom. There were about 10 of us doing this. When the smoked cleared, he said, "AH, that's the sound of freedom"... I never forgot that.
That’s what used to be posted outside Whidbey Naval base
I like that story! 👍