HAPPENING ....Police officers are leaving in masses....
More than 70% police officers have left the US city's police force....
What happens now?...
💥 B O O O O O M 💥

How to make the population not feel any empathy towards the enforcers 101. The reason cops don't get killed a LOT more is because they're the same cops that work there and live there. Bring in some blue helmets and there will be a lot less self control shown to not cap their asses for tyrant shit.
Bring in some Blue / White Helmets backed by Dyncorp that rape and kill like they do in every other place they have been deployed?
It's going to be Fallujah real fast.
Except even worse since we are so ridiculously well armed, geared, and generally trained.
It's going to be extremely interesting when we get surprised by what areas hold out and which one's do not.
There will absolutely be entire swatchs of areas that go down.
One of the first things most would do is completely gut cell phone towers.
We are talking about areas where fiber lines will get cut and towers yanked. People have moved into wooded areas for a reason. They will be blind.
I know WTF I'm doing the moment a foreigner is deployed on US Soil under the guise of "law enforcement" or ANYTHING remotely resembling that: