I'm glad someone else on this site understands. Most have their head too far up their ass to see near the horizon of their children and grandchildren's future. Its because they are lazy, indifferent, passionless, irresponsible, and weak.
Here on the site is all the information you need to see what lies in store for you if you remain as impassive as ever. A fate worse than death for the future of the human race. We're living with the fucking eye of Sauron in present day. The orcs are all of the liberals that continuously manifest from mud of the earth. The liberal media, public education, universities, and Hollywood culture continues to direct these orcs to attack us.
We can never stop till our dying breath, this is a war for humanity! Either become a boxed in slaving worker to be farmed or an explorer free to discover and connect ourselves with this wonderous universe!
This is what a real FBI glowie looks like. Trying to stop people on GreatAwakening from taking real concrete action with real world effects. This is a snake account that is actively telling people not to fight back even if they are being physically attacked!!
You think fighting your brothers and sisters is patriotic?
You think this is even at ALL what Q has been getting at?
EVERY WAR benefits the cabal.
If there is a war we have already lost. The "Qanon" movement is NOT gearing up for Civil War and you only feed the propaganda machine when you spew this bullshit
People who are willing deny their brothers and sisters freedom and who are willing to submit to authoritarianism must be cut out like a cancer. If you don't do it, the cancer will continue to grow.
Right now we are in stage 3 or 4 cancer. We've been peaceful this whole time, they have not. Its not working. Kill them and end this right now or prolong it till you and your lineage are all either enslaved or erased.
Waking up people doesn't do anything when a sizeable % of the population refuses to admit they were wrong and openly welcomes authoritarianism and the weight off of responsibly governing their community and country.
We have people that will not bend no matter what, and where I'm at the number is much larger than 4-6%. Im not in a very liberal area. These people have to go, there is no room for these cancerous parasites in this country. You can't have a Republic in a country where a large % of people support communism and ask their TV what to think. You can't secede either if the other population is hostile and has allies like China.
They are putting this suicidal ideology in all of our children's heads, do you not get it yet?
You are likely FBI on here to keep the population from getting out of control. I'm going to tell you it won't work, we will kill every last person involved. You cannot hide.
Civil war is what [[they]] want, it is not part of Q's plan.
Maybe the fbi’s Qanon is. The Q movement isn’t. File this with the “insurrection” by Qanon cult on 1/6. Same guys, say playbook (frame) IMO.
Amazing how this guy can smell movements coming like the Tea Party or "Qanon" but still doesn't have clue.
The author of that drivel needs to have his testicles shocked with a car battery while being waterboarded.
…or his mangina.
Not Civil War, a Revolution. But as Anons we sit tight because of Q.
Read the last line.
Glow little glowie, glimmer, glow little glowie glimmer glimmer.
Look boys and girls our very own glowie!
Thank you
Nice to see another Patriot who gets it.
I'm glad someone else on this site understands. Most have their head too far up their ass to see near the horizon of their children and grandchildren's future. Its because they are lazy, indifferent, passionless, irresponsible, and weak.
Here on the site is all the information you need to see what lies in store for you if you remain as impassive as ever. A fate worse than death for the future of the human race. We're living with the fucking eye of Sauron in present day. The orcs are all of the liberals that continuously manifest from mud of the earth. The liberal media, public education, universities, and Hollywood culture continues to direct these orcs to attack us.
We can never stop till our dying breath, this is a war for humanity! Either become a boxed in slaving worker to be farmed or an explorer free to discover and connect ourselves with this wonderous universe!
As for that Anandamide account, check out this link
This is what a real FBI glowie looks like. Trying to stop people on GreatAwakening from taking real concrete action with real world effects. This is a snake account that is actively telling people not to fight back even if they are being physically attacked!!
You think fighting your brothers and sisters is patriotic?
You think this is even at ALL what Q has been getting at?
EVERY WAR benefits the cabal.
If there is a war we have already lost. The "Qanon" movement is NOT gearing up for Civil War and you only feed the propaganda machine when you spew this bullshit
People who are willing deny their brothers and sisters freedom and who are willing to submit to authoritarianism must be cut out like a cancer. If you don't do it, the cancer will continue to grow.
Right now we are in stage 3 or 4 cancer. We've been peaceful this whole time, they have not. Its not working. Kill them and end this right now or prolong it till you and your lineage are all either enslaved or erased.
You are too stupid to realize those people are the single and only solution to getting rid of the corruption right?
Do you think Q would have bothered trying to wake people up if it didn't matter and violence was the answer?
You're too fucking stupid and lazy to see the big picture or you're a glowie, either way, you need to start whittling or something
Waking up people doesn't do anything when a sizeable % of the population refuses to admit they were wrong and openly welcomes authoritarianism and the weight off of responsibly governing their community and country.
We have people that will not bend no matter what, and where I'm at the number is much larger than 4-6%. Im not in a very liberal area. These people have to go, there is no room for these cancerous parasites in this country. You can't have a Republic in a country where a large % of people support communism and ask their TV what to think. You can't secede either if the other population is hostile and has allies like China.
They are putting this suicidal ideology in all of our children's heads, do you not get it yet?
You are likely FBI on here to keep the population from getting out of control. I'm going to tell you it won't work, we will kill every last person involved. You cannot hide.
Lol, knew you couldn't do it.