Despite the fact I have written daily on how to get HCQ and Ivermectin on social media and my cousin eats it all up and loves it, when she and her mother and brother came down with it TWO WEEKS AGO they did nothing. Now their mother—my aunt—is in the hospital and two of my cousins have bad Covid.
So,,the one cousin is 66 and he’s lived two weeks with it without pneumonia or hospitalization, so he’s doing okay. Still, I’m recommending Ivermectin horse paste for him because after two weeks, he’s still feeling poorly. He can’t get Ivermectin in his town otherwise.
His sister—same thing. Two weeks into it...seems to have survived so far. Maybe some horse paste to get rid of it once and for all.
But my friggin aunt is now in the hospital and they refuse all the the therapeutics for her. Not yet on a intubator but it’s coming. Late 70”s.
I’m not going to let this happen. No effing way.
I need horse paste protocol. I need advice for aunt in hospital. I need prayers.
I am so frigging done with this bull shit. I am so mad at the universe but I am fighting for them.
Get out of the hospital IMMEDIATELY. The CDC protocol is Remdesivir + ventilator = COVID death.
Go home and take Ivermectin or HCQ, C, D, B, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC.
A word of warning: If they have serious trouble breathing on their own, they WILL DIE out of hospital. If your blood oxygen is too low, you need extra oxygen and/or help breathing. No medicine can cure you fast enough to overlast it.
We have at least one member here who stayed out of hospital at home with horse paste and did not make it.
Also helpful to have a pulse oximeter. Will tell you the O2 saturation and HR. I have one at home.
I recommend a sleep apnea machine if you can get one. Anything is better than dying on a ventilator in a fucking hospital.
Well, there's always those situations when you do not die because of a ventilator in "a fucking hospital".
If you can't breathe on your own, you need a ventilator to survive. Period. I doubt any of us are of the class who can afford a home care with ER level gear.
Just supplemental oxygen, without intubation/ventilator, is probably all people need who go to the hospital with low oxygen levels. I'm thinking it might be a good idea to have some "emergency oxygen" source at home.
This is true. Approprate ventilation saves lives. A lot have been lost here because of inappropriate ventilation. For instance, if RBCs have temporarily lost the ability to carry O2, you need blood, not more pressure. If lungs are filling up with fluid, that has to be addressed first.
No, you do not need to be put on a ventilator at all. That is how they are killing people. The hospital is where you go to die, nobody has ever died from covid at home.
You need to take the ivermectin early on, otherwise the damage to the lungs has been done.
Yes, true! I had to go in...
Wait ‘one member’ here like a fellow anon passed? And she/he took Ivermectin and still passed?
Maybe I’m reading this wrong cause I haven’t had my coffee yet.
With all those who have gone, I'm not sure he was the only one either.
Do you happen to know his u/?