Racine and Maricopa Counties are closely connected. John Jeffry Louis and the Pilgrims Society, Frank Lloyd Wright, Purcells, the Johnsons and Rothschilds, The New Deal Leaders, Rotary, McCains and human trafficking are a few of the common links.
Racine and Wisconsin were the models used to conduct similar fraud in Arizona and the other swing states.
The real spotlight should be on Zuckerberg and the money he dumped into Racine as the head of the “Famous Wisconsin Five”.
I missed the press conference today. Was there any discussion about next steps? Thanks for sharing this.
This is an excellent chart.
Unfortunately, neither the corrupt DA nor the corrupt AG can be trusted.
Racine and Maricopa Counties are closely connected. John Jeffry Louis and the Pilgrims Society, Frank Lloyd Wright, Purcells, the Johnsons and Rothschilds, The New Deal Leaders, Rotary, McCains and human trafficking are a few of the common links.
Racine and Wisconsin were the models used to conduct similar fraud in Arizona and the other swing states.
The real spotlight should be on Zuckerberg and the money he dumped into Racine as the head of the “Famous Wisconsin Five”.
This applies most everywhere.
Goes double for Racine
Correct, that is why they are elevated to the positions of authority. Complicity destroys integrity.
How do you know they are corrupt?
Direct knowledge and experience.
How corrupt is the AG of WS?