To condense - COVID is a catalyst for Bill Gates to privatize the Global BioMedical Police State Control Grid.
To do this took many folks at many levels - each of which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Trust were used to vertically and horizontally integrate control over all biomedicine sectors. Seriously - try to find a single one not living off the teeth of the B&MGF/T. You won’t. How did Covid roll out work? They all knew the play. Literally my interviews have shown more yes-men/women in Medicine than in Military. It’s Mad Scientist Authoritarian shit.
Anyway Gates & Cronies needed a place to “test”. Enter Epstein Island.
Children were used for everything:
Medical Experiments
Organ Harvesting
Sick Pleasures ( why feel bad about some clone without a soul ) etc
The Elite were pursuing Life Extension. This is why Epstein was open about “impregnating hundreds of girls and having hundreds of kids.”
It was why Epstein prioritized having Geneticists from MIT and everywhere else on the island.
This is why the World Health Organization was founded / used.
So many of you wonder “why are the elite poisoning the planet - won’t it also affect them?” Answer is with organ replacement and all they give to shits. Plan is to sterilize all of you through any means and watch you just die.
It’s awesome to refuse the vax - didn’t think they thought of that?
Gates & Zika = refined biodiversity release of Mosquito / Parasite introduced mRNA alteration to nuke your kids. THIS is why Ivermectin & HCQ work. Anti-Malarials are more important than many realize.
They’re happy to watch you die. Many of you have friends trying to have kids that can’t and wonder why.
Sugar in the diet decreases motility in men
Plastics ruin Hormones
Look. Step back.
Understand now why they are calling to euthanize kids that were already born? They know fuck tons of Brain Injured kids are on the way.
I really want to drop it all here but I can’t. I know with confidence who Q was. I understand.
Please know Durham would be GONE immediately if they could get rid of him. Think about that and please - tell me how he is still going and dropping what he is on Perkins Coie & SHATTERING them behind the scenes if Durham is a joke
I get it.
This hurts.
War is PAIN.
Q said PAIN constantly and pushed us to the Armor of God - why? Because at a point that Armor is all you have to fight against what is coming.
What if the horrors we know of are nothing compared to what will be revealed?
I love these clueless assholes around me. Sue me. They know not what they do & I will do what Q called me to do & teach them to fish and help them through this.
Awesome post! It's really difficult for many to wrap their brains around the fact, that the elites do hate us. They don't realize that when they do grasp this, there's a sense of freedom that goes along with it.
The truth does set one free. But at first, it can really suck.
While living in Maryland one day on the news and in the papers...about 2 years ago they had a story saying helicopters from Fort Dietrich(?-local) were spraying to eliminate a surge in some flying fly. Anyway the next day our whole neighborhood was seeing these flies EVERYWHERE. I immediately put 2:2 together...THEY RELEASED THEM. Then I started noticing insects we’d NEVER SEEN BEFORE. I’m totally convinced these sick mofos will create Hell on Earth.
I feel that COVID booted up as a result of Ghislaine and Jeffrey getting arrested.
Covid was always part of Epstein Plan.
People think Epstein worked for MOSSAD only. No.
Why was Bill Gates a thing w Epstein?
To condense - COVID is a catalyst for Bill Gates to privatize the Global BioMedical Police State Control Grid.
To do this took many folks at many levels - each of which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Trust were used to vertically and horizontally integrate control over all biomedicine sectors. Seriously - try to find a single one not living off the teeth of the B&MGF/T. You won’t. How did Covid roll out work? They all knew the play. Literally my interviews have shown more yes-men/women in Medicine than in Military. It’s Mad Scientist Authoritarian shit.
Anyway Gates & Cronies needed a place to “test”. Enter Epstein Island.
Children were used for everything:
The Elite were pursuing Life Extension. This is why Epstein was open about “impregnating hundreds of girls and having hundreds of kids.”
It was why Epstein prioritized having Geneticists from MIT and everywhere else on the island.
This is why the World Health Organization was founded / used.
So many of you wonder “why are the elite poisoning the planet - won’t it also affect them?” Answer is with organ replacement and all they give to shits. Plan is to sterilize all of you through any means and watch you just die.
It’s awesome to refuse the vax - didn’t think they thought of that?
Gates & Zika = refined biodiversity release of Mosquito / Parasite introduced mRNA alteration to nuke your kids. THIS is why Ivermectin & HCQ work. Anti-Malarials are more important than many realize.
They’re happy to watch you die. Many of you have friends trying to have kids that can’t and wonder why.
Sugar in the diet decreases motility in men
Plastics ruin Hormones
Look. Step back.
Understand now why they are calling to euthanize kids that were already born? They know fuck tons of Brain Injured kids are on the way.
I really want to drop it all here but I can’t. I know with confidence who Q was. I understand.
Please know Durham would be GONE immediately if they could get rid of him. Think about that and please - tell me how he is still going and dropping what he is on Perkins Coie & SHATTERING them behind the scenes if Durham is a joke
I get it.
This hurts.
War is PAIN.
Q said PAIN constantly and pushed us to the Armor of God - why? Because at a point that Armor is all you have to fight against what is coming.
What if the horrors we know of are nothing compared to what will be revealed?
I love these clueless assholes around me. Sue me. They know not what they do & I will do what Q called me to do & teach them to fish and help them through this.
Awesome post! It's really difficult for many to wrap their brains around the fact, that the elites do hate us. They don't realize that when they do grasp this, there's a sense of freedom that goes along with it.
The truth does set one free. But at first, it can really suck.
Beyond all mountain peaks is peace
While living in Maryland one day on the news and in the papers...about 2 years ago they had a story saying helicopters from Fort Dietrich(?-local) were spraying to eliminate a surge in some flying fly. Anyway the next day our whole neighborhood was seeing these flies EVERYWHERE. I immediately put 2:2 together...THEY RELEASED THEM. Then I started noticing insects we’d NEVER SEEN BEFORE. I’m totally convinced these sick mofos will create Hell on Earth.
I thought Bill Gates cause pies to the face.
Heh at the time that happened Gates was hated basically everywhere.
Give it 20 years and Reddit basically felates him now.
Public Relations + Ghislaine Maxwell being a Reddit admin
I’m shocked at how his image has been cleaned right in the open. He was hated from ibm / Microsoft and windows inception.
The Samson Option?