Xiden creates a logical fallacy by equating TV commercials with reality:
Based on small glimpses of culture, one might assume half or more of all relationships involve some sort of race-mixing. If a person who had no information about the US or Europe were to see our television, magazine, billboard, and storefront advertisements, he might assume there were virtually zero normal white men anywhere to be found. The combination of white women with black men is hands down, the most common mixed-race couple depicted in advertising; that combination will be the focus of this essay.
A study of over two million online dating interactions revealed distinct racial preferences between groups. White women responded most frequently to white men, and least frequently to black men. Sexually transmitted disease rates per the 2016 Center for Disease Control speak for themselves.
In terms of combined median incomes of interracial marriages, black husbands with white wives earned the lowest amount of any other combination. The black husband and white wife combination were also the least educated. Of the interracial combinations, marriages between whites and blacks were found to be the least stable, and the most likely to result in divorce. The divorce rate is higher in all interracial marriages for white women relative to a white marriage.
A 2015 study examined the outcomes of women that have children with black men, the results were staggering. Currently, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, however when the mother is white and the father black, the rate jumps to 97%. 98% of white mothers studied reported the father does not support their children financially, 97% report the father is not in the child’s life, and 97% of the women have used welfare to help support themselves and their children. Only 10% of women that have children with black men out of wedlock end up marrying. The vast majority of white women that have children with black men live far below the poverty line.
A 2013 study of intimate partner violence in relationships, surveyed nearly ten-thousand people, the authors hypothesized that interracial couples would experience higher levels of violence compared to intra-racial relationships. They found that compared to white relationships, both black couples and interracial couples experience statistically significant higher levels of relationship violence.
Maybe I’m too damned old and still too idealistic. I remember when the idea was for America to have one culture. American. And sorry, but for me Q, reignited that idealism.
like I said
NWO is pouring OTHER CULTURES by the millions into this country and waging a powerful psychological operation through total media control. A campaign of guilting Whites and advantaging Blacks in higher education, federal hiring and subsidies. All without merit. All 100% RACIST.
You've bought it hook, line and sinker and are actually ASKING FOR IT.
You call it white culture, I call it American culture. I want everyone to have access to it. I don’t want it torn down. I want it built up. If that’s naive, I’m guilty.
Our debate is about the effects of 50 plus years of Democrat/DS social engineering. The Great Society was about making sure we did not become one united American culture. And you’re right, the DS still fears that so they import impoverished people who are so far outside America life they are unlikely to assimilate.
The good news is we see brave black patriots standing against CRT because they can clearly see it damages everyone.
Thanks for the debate, I don’t think we’ll change each other’s minds, but we need to focus on the causes of the problem, not the effect. We have no idea what the world will be like absent NWO social engineering. And it will take a couple decades to unravel things after the cabal falls.
You're rationalizing the propaganda and ignoring the entire point.
You are pretending that it is RACIST to point out the propaganda and 'against American values'.
You point to 'DEMS' running urban centers when in fact IT'S BLACKS running governments in urban centers. You ADMIT these people are victims of NWO propaganda but refuse to accept the nature of the propaganda.
Have you even been to Detroit or the South Side of Chicago? Very few patriots there, my friend. You could not enter those areas, as a white person today. The people that live there, as a collective, have REJECTED American values and are by and large, a lost generation. How does not focusing on the EFFECT help those people?
Most cultures/races gravitate toward their same culture/race. It is ONLY the white culture/race that is demonized for not welcoming "diversity" and on many occasions are required to allow wholesale "integration" of every aspect of their lives or risk being labeled "racist" and attacked or destroyed. There is an overt agenda to destroy the white race as well as the God-fearing Christian men and women (note only TWO sexes) in Ameica. Memo...it is NORMAL to be most comfortable with your own culture/race...it happens naturally throughout the world.
The point I’m failing to make well is this topic is much more complex than the color of our skin. Would anyone bat an eye if a white conservative guy married Candace Owens? Are we offended that one of the most staunchly conservative Supreme Court Justices, Clarence Thomas is married to a white lady? Of course not.
If this country was not controlled by the cabal and was once again solidly anchored in faith, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
But you fail to understand we are not against people of different races marrying each other. People are essentially people free to choose whatever and whoever they choose in life. Most whites accept people on the "content of their character, not the color of their skin". Racism and reverse discrimination are alive and well in our country and God forbid you should ever point it out or call it what it is...that's racist! I am against using propaganda on people to illicit an outcome whose sole purpose is to destroy a specific culture/race. We have a right to defend our culture/race against those that would wipe it all out. Big difference.
Can you tell me.
What are you actually defending that is not common sense amoung all people?
Yes we are all different. But those differences fall under the "superfacial" for me.
Can you explain me to me.
What is this white culture you are trying to save?
What am I missing here?
I completely agree about propaganda. What we see in commercials and entertainment do not represent reality, they are trying to shape it. That’s wrong.
My disagreement was with the studies cited. Why are these sources trusted? How can we be sure they aren’t propaganda trying to shape an outcome?
What’s interesting about the propaganda is they almost exclusively portray upper middle class people of all races. Which completely undercuts the message that minorities don’t get a fair shake.
The ethnic cleansing of the founders' posterity is fine because [feels].