735 Anon has an epiphany (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by penisse 3 years ago by penisse +736 / -1 76 comments download share 76 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Also not to mention a hive mind and if they get focused on a task can do anything. Remember when they made Shia LaBeouf cry? Pepe farms remembers.
Capture the flag was fucking hilarious. Less than 2 full days to find it.
Totally hilarious! If anyone has any doubts as to why the autists were chosen, this Capture the Flag video should help quell those doubts.
Read the comments, they're gold!
I still watch those vids done by John Ward because they're funny as hell. That was an awesome time!
These videos are seriously funny. Now I have to look up shia labouf because I have no idea who he is.
Yes! I love this.