Yea, yea. Been hearing this since the early 1990s. It's part of the news cycle that rotates between the 'big one' that's 'over due' in Yellowstone. I think it's fear porn and distraction. I could be wrong, but its all the other things going on that makes me think its more fear porn than anything else.
That, or the building up of a scapegoat narrative, like the solar flares, ransomware "attacks", the manufactured shortages and the chinese hypersonic tests.
they can track 5 points where the American continent is moving West over a VERY large Magma chamber which periodically erupts. Based on eruptions at the other sites, the next one could happen yesterday or in 100,00 years. that's their idea of Tomorrow.
Will it get Martha's Vinyard?
They might do it.
They might set off a little landslide then use another weapon to make a Tsunami. There are those who think something similar happened in Fukushima.
this is crap
This has been kicking around since the 70s. Just no.
Won't happen. Not by itself.
Yea, yea. Been hearing this since the early 1990s. It's part of the news cycle that rotates between the 'big one' that's 'over due' in Yellowstone. I think it's fear porn and distraction. I could be wrong, but its all the other things going on that makes me think its more fear porn than anything else.
That, or the building up of a scapegoat narrative, like the solar flares, ransomware "attacks", the manufactured shortages and the chinese hypersonic tests.
they can track 5 points where the American continent is moving West over a VERY large Magma chamber which periodically erupts. Based on eruptions at the other sites, the next one could happen yesterday or in 100,00 years. that's their idea of Tomorrow.
This is very alarming.
its happened before in the distant past, if enough stuff slides into the ocean it wave will reach America.
Ok the deep state needs to stop reading my posts I just mentioned earthquakes and tsunamis yesi lol.