(sorry for the minor clickbait)
Whenever I lurk in liberal sites I am always amazed that they seem to not be aware that the entire establishment is on their side. The folks at QAnonCasualties often blame Facebook for their problems. People commenting on the VA governors race are all over the idea that the media has been massively harsh on Biden. My favorite is the ones who demonize Fox news and wish for it to be taken down. To them Fox is a giant monolith of right wing propaganda and the most dangerous and powerful entity in the world. If that is true, then what is CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, all the late night shows, all the morning shows, all the sports leagues, Hollywood, and music??
I've been saying this for a while now. The rank and file left, especially in the US, are the most uninformed people in the history of the world. Conversely, most of the leftist leadership is completely aware (in varying degrees) of what is really happening. Of course, that's exactly how they want it.
Sort of like standing inside a library of all the cookbooks ever written and crying because you don't know how to boil water or crack open an egg.
The peasants of Medieval times might disagree with you on the uninformed part. What today's uninformed have that makes them so apparent is a huge observable platform for sharing the stupidity they so willingly and regularly demonstrate.
I personally was amazed at how long it took for them to call Youngkins win considering they called Newsom's win with 70 something percent in. All fuckery aside the people still do have power. I considered Bidens "win" essentially as The Empire Strikes Back. We still have Return of the Jedi to go. Fingers crossed.
Yeah, lurking on the left this morning, they are calling the media fascist and responsible for Mcclown losing. LOL!
They down have the self-esteem to admit to fault and change for the better. It hurts their insecurities to think that maybe they made a mistake and should change their ways. No, no, it's somebody elses fault and the majority agrees with them.
LOL they have some complaining that CRT and defund the police are NOT democrat policies and they should have better messaging!
One reply: defund the police was less scary than abolish the police which was the goal.
They are divided, really. Some of the most ardent dems who call Trump and republicans all kinds of horrid names, actually believe that CRT is not taught in schools and defund the police is not real -- it was all right wing / fox / media scare mongering!! HA HA HA on them. One day soon they will have to face the truth about their party and vote Republican!
Stay strong and on message, Republicans! No one called the dems out before, even their voters are in the dark. Trump taught Republicans finally how to WIN!
Yup I am not gonna forgive any normies unless they have a well thought out states apology and denounce their old ways.
Amazingly put.
Actual quote from resetera:
"The Democrats don't have the propaganda networks that GOP have, nor the inclination to run fear campaigns to get people to fall in line and at each other's throats. "
"The issue is the media in the us is very right wing because republicans have spent the past 30 years telling people it’s liberal and they believed them so now the media bends over backwards to appeal to the right wing"
They still think the democrats are the party of the poor. That shit ended a hundred years ago.
There's a lot of shit odd about the other side. Have you ever seen any pictures of them?
Yes, their reality is totally perverted. They cannot see what is right in front of their face, because they're under satan's spell.
Well, they have always been victims. It's their M.O., and hard to change.