Why is Ivanka Trump part of Klaus Schwab's list of "Young Global Leaders"
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The right question would be does she want to be on that list
I think Jared is not to be trusted, although his banking cabal family supposedly helped with the takedown . Their marriage encompasses some of the payment, is also my guess.
On one hand, such a thing does add some bit of credibility to the possibility that Trump & Co. are baddies.
On the other hand, why can't the good guys do the same thing as the commies? Infiltration.
Personally, I think this is just bait to imply something nefarious with nothing else to substantiate it.
Yep.... And so is Maria Bartiromo...
When was this added?
Please tell me he os not shady. I need to check into him.
I don’t want to believe it either but there is some stink there.
Really and all this fucking time spent in GA and the Q movement and you still have not figured out that wikipedia is the elites. They tell you what they want you to believe. This is the first it has ever been mentioned. So here is a thought for you. Go back to that fucking cave you live in and stay there.
I just found it weird, asking here to see if anyone had any more info.
It's a frickin' charity; who's who list in which Young Global Leaders initiated a program called Table for Two and aimed at preventing both malnutrition in developing countries and obesity in developed ones.
Ashton Kutcher is on it and I am certain he's not a mover-and-shaker. Ivanka is just a PR face on this.
Ashton Kutcher had an anti-child trafficking organization, and it seems people with those organizations are the ones committing the crimes.
True., but with these organizations they also put happy and pretty faces along with clowns on them too. I tend to think Ashton Kutcher plays the same role..... a useful idiot. Who knows, Ivanka probably plays this role as well.
Too many layers in this movie
Because she converted to shalomism
Also guys.
When you look at what is happening. Trump will become less of an infleunce over time.
Because the people are stepping up in numbers to fight back. If Trump is the great deception expert and is playing us.
His deception worked too damn good.
Not even he can stop the movement.
The cabal almost had the world locked down permanently and they ran Trump in to fuck up ther plans? Not a chance in hell. They would have much preferred Killary to launch them into the Great Reset.
They also like to infiltrate the families of outsider, and bring the money back under their control.
I have heard people calling for Ivanka to be the first woman President. Not a chance in hell I would vote for her. She is far to bleeding heart to ever get my vote. If one of the Trump kids is going to be President it will be the awake Don Jr. He is one I would support, but that time is a was off because I think the next one should be another that knows everything that is and has gone on. I would suggest Flynn or Admiral Rogers. I really believe we need another non-politician.
I agree.
We need another non-politician who is super rich as well. That's what makes Trump so dangerous.
He can't really be paid off easily.
The problem with Flynn.
He doesn't have billions like Trump. The deep state would try to pay him anything for control.
The deep state has unlimited amounts of money. That's a strong motivator to make someone corrupt.
I do think most political figures on both sides start with good intensions.
Once they get in. They see how much more money they can make.
Which causes them to not work for the American people.
Also weird that Trump Jr is dating Gavin Newsom's Ex-Wife
I thought that their plan would work better under Killary too, but if a lot of the Great Reset is revolving around the Vax, 100% of Republicans would never get it from her. So they needed someone to convince the Reps to get it. Apparently Libs dont need much convincing to inject random untested serums into themselves.