"Howard assures him that his mother's meatloaf has been testing toilets for years. When he initiates the test the meatloaf slice flies out of the toilet and sticks to the ceiling. Raj asks what the problem could be. Howard replies, "Not enough bread crumbs."
Between Space X, last nights election and Biden’s 💩 episode at the Vatican I’d say the Dems are in the 🚽
Just think, there's billionaires that'll pay big bucks to shit their pants in space.
I guess they've been ordered to hold their "data dump" -- there's been a change in plans. ;-)
Sorry for the TBBT reference - but wasn't this one of their episodes??? LOL!!!
Never seen TBBT, can you remember the episode name?
Here's what I found: https://bigbangtheory.fandom.com/wiki/The_Classified_Materials_Turbulence
"Howard assures him that his mother's meatloaf has been testing toilets for years. When he initiates the test the meatloaf slice flies out of the toilet and sticks to the ceiling. Raj asks what the problem could be. Howard replies, "Not enough bread crumbs."
Yes it is... LOL!
https://qposts.online/post/4203 https://qposts.online/post/2973
Many Q posts talk about breadcrumbs.
Season 2 episode 22 : The Classified Materials Turbulence
Brandon can relate.
what do you expect when you buy from the guy who builds the Tesla?
not sure how it becomes unglued when not exposed to heat, sunlight, or any of the typical culprits of adhesive degredation.
Ask Joe what brand of diapers is the best.
No, they'll still be within the earth's gravity field so it will fall to earth - on Biden's head with luck.
Headline: Resident woken by blow on head from 200 mph turd.