I just checked the CDC website - you know the one that used to say they were responding to the COVID Pandemic? Well, now it says "COVID Outbreak." It appears the pandemic is over and we're just dealing with an outbreak.
Make sure you get your vaccines for this deadly outbreak. /s
There was a pandemic??
I never experienced it but heard a lot about it on TV and social media.
When does the "Emergency" expire?? Who has this info or has any idea where we can find it???
actually, the power lies within each individual
Sometime early in '21 I saw a few news reports one day that CDC had downgraded the rating from "pandemic" to "outbreak" and then never heard another peep about it since.
Just because I like to verify things myself, I went to the wayback machine to see when they changed it from pandemic to outbreak. To my surprise the wayback machine showed the wording "outbreak" as far back as six months ago. In fact it appears as though the wayback machine has been compromised? Of course there's the possibility that I just don't know what the hell I'm doing. Seems like all of the archived versions of cdc.gov are the same and in fact no archives really exist? Can someone please corroborate my findings?
Great Catch!