Republicans Bail Out Biden and Pelosi to Pass $1.2 Trillion So-Called Infrastructure Bill
🤡 Clown World 🌎
13 House Republicans voted to bail out President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) agenda and pass the $1.2 trillion so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill.
The bill passed 228-206, featuring overwhelming Democrat support and some Republican support.
The 13 Republicans that reportedly voted yes on the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill are:
Reps. John Katko (R-NY)
Don Bacon (R-NE)
Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ)
Fred Upton (R-MI)
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
Don Young (R-AK)
Tom Reed (R-NY)
Chris Smith (R-NJ)
Andrew Garbarino (R-NY)
Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY)
Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH)
Rep. David McKinley (R-WV)
seriously, I am having deep doubts as to how "in control" Patriots are, if at all. shit gets worse and worse by the day, election fraud still goin strong, jab shit getting worse by the day, millions of people basically told to get fucked, especially if we live in blue cities & work in heavily liberal industries & just expected to what? go move to Arkansas and work at a gas station? ya, thats really stickin it to the man and showing em whose boss! I'll abandon my entire family/life/career to show i'M IN CHARGE!~
Do some research, read the drops and youll see we are exactly where we need to be. People dont get suspended for being concerned, they get suspended for posting like a doomtard on a board dedicated to being informed. If you want to be a faggot go to
Those who actually are still starry eyed waiting for the "free stuff" FJB promised, still believing that "the Democrats care so much about us", or "it's good to reach across the aisle in bipartisanship" deserve this. WE Americans do not deserve this.
Of course we dont deserve this. We havent deserved being shit on, insulted, demeaned, ostracized, called terrorists, or laughed at for the last 5 years but here we are. I dont like it either but its obvious that this isnt about making us feel good its about brining the strays back into the fold. I have faith that the people with ALL the information have deemed this is the best way to go about it. They know the things we dont and our job is to stand up straight and hold the line until the brain washed normies get it together and pull their heads out of their collective asses. Stay strong Patriot we are with you.
Sadly I may have swallowed a black pill last night after hearing about this betrayal. We now Know for a certainty that the remainder of build back communism Better Will be passed as the UniParty has Full control in both the House and Senate. After they pass that passing this And we Know that they have Gaetz,Crenshaw and Cawthorn already on-board to enact red flag gun laws. If something is not done soon our republic will be dead and buried before the November 2022 elections.
No its not supposed to be intimidation. Its typically used as a means to express concern over another posters lack of faith and or lack of spine. If it fits then wear it and if it doesnt then straighten up.
Don't be a fag.
That is the way these elitist cultist talk. They remind me of these so-called Born Again Christians who act like such elitists thinking they are better than everybody else. The truth is they are no better than the worst sinner and that the fact that they think they are once saved always saved is a presumption which is a sin against the Holy Spirit
seriously. some of these idiots seems to have forgotten the "question everything" sentiment we are supposed to have learned. blindly following any movement is exactly what got humanity here in the fucking first place. some of these responses are so painfully lacking in substance I'm amazed they even got here.
Get a grip. Things are going the way the need to go. Nothing is done by accident.
Yeah the way its supposed to go, what the fuck is this bullshit? I have to get a jab to keep my job, or tell them I'm fully remote and/or religious exemption. This is all beyond fucked. Keep your hopium going though.
Definition of precipice
1: The brink of a dangerous or disastrous situation.
2: a hazardous situation broadly : BRINK
Its almost like 90% of the posts here have never read the drops... lol
It is, and I will be just as pissed as you if it comes down to that for me also. The sheer insult of being subjected to persecution in THIS country burns me every day, but you got to admit, compared to what many have had to endure in the past for their resolve, if the worst we face is job loss and high gas prices, we will be fortunate. Our jobs are seeing to it that IS the worst we face, and no worse, and seeing justice meted out to those doing the persecution and collecting reparations from them in our time when this is done.
I suppose you'd have to take a low level job if you've managed to get this far in life with absolutely zero skills or knowledge.
People in the past moved to where the opportunities were better. That's why there are people all over the country, not just along the eastern seaboard.
If you have skills and knowledge, you can move and get a great job or even create your own job.
Don't say you can't, because many millions have done it in the past and continue to do it now.
While passing this infrastructure billis wrong and abhorrent, the original bill, which included the BBB Social portion and put the combined total over $4T, was separated off into its own bill. That one still has to get through Congress and has not yet passed. This is still bad, but I think if that other one passes, it will be a miracle if the USA survives.
Did the one that just passed include the mileage tax and amnesty for illegals? I’m hearing conflicting information on these points.
I know this goes against the sentiment here but we really need something to give us some better paying jobs out there. Right now, 'jobs are everywhere for the taking' and 'can't get enough workers' but they're just minimum wage, service-level entry jobs. Private companies, which are pretty limber if they are to survive, have adjusted to the work from home needs, are saving money by less overhead, and the plum jobs they had are still occupied.
If we can get to build some bridges and whatnot, perhaps we can kick start this economy a little more. Can't go by the stock market, usually a leading indicator, that thing is not based in reality right now. Lots of gamesmanship.
If we're stuck with Brandon for 3 more years, why not fix other areas right now. If we can see a reprise of Trump in a year, why not fix other areas. A lot of fellow Americans are suffering on the income side.