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Remember those old pocket bibles with just the gospels?
I pretty much consider myself a “red text only” kind of dude. No Paul the faggot faker bitch apostle. No Old Testament animal sacrifice ritual genital mutilating Retardation.
Just Jesus and what he taught according to our best known sources, prayer, and the Holy Spirit.
What about the red text where Jesus says he's the same as the God from the Old Testament?
Guess that depends on how accurate and authoritative you consider the version of the Bible you read to be.
The Bible says God preserves His Words(Not his thoughts, principles, etc. but his Words) and that His Words exceed his name in glory.
The Textus Receptus is the lineage of documents that resulted in the KJV and comprise of 98% of historical texts. All other modern translations descend from Alexandrian texts, primarily those literally found in a trashcan in a Catholic Church, and were mostly refined in modern times by Wescott and Hortt, two admittedly unsaved, unbelieving men without the Holy Spirit who changed God's words to align with their own understanding of what the Bible said.
Modern neo-evangelicals would rather change God's words to suit themselves than change themselves to suit God's words, so you get 200+ "modern Bibles". Of course, all these "Bibles" will be out of date someday while God's true words will still be up-to-date in a million years.
"The Bible" doesn't say anything. The authors that make up the books of the Bible do. Some of them I trust more than others. As for Constantine, the despot who compiled the Bible and gave the world the Dark Ages, I don't trust much.
Nor do I trust Paul. What he says about Christ and salvation I simply don't buy. As I said, twice now, Paul's take on Christianity smacks of repackaged idolatry. Now you worship a man instead of an idol, but since you call that man God, you think it's ok.
Well, I don't think Jesus thought that was ok. This is the man that said "Come, follow me." Not "Come, worship me." This is the man who asked why Peter doubted after walking on water, not "guess it was just my will that you sink." This is the man that said "Is it not written in your law, 'I have said, ye are Gods. Children of the Most High.'" As well as "According to YOUR faith be it done unto you" and "Be ye therefore perfect, even as thy Father in Heaven is perfect."
Jesus saved mankind from the Fall of Adam and Eve. This I believe. But the fall of Adam and Even was not literal, it was figurative/spiritual, and it happens the moment we believe the lie that Paul peddled--that we're filthy and unworthy to stand in the presence of God.
Jesus came and said "Bullshit. You ARE Gods. Now act like it."
THAT is salvation.
He is. Jesus Christ IS the Father IS the Spirit. It is ONE God in three roles, not persons. We were made in His image, right? I'm a man, a son and a father but I am one. There isn't three of me running around.
The Trinity Doctrine is trash
You have a mind, body, and spirit. So does God, Father(mind), Jesus(body), and Holy Spirit(spirit). You were created after a trinity.
In the Old Testament a person's physical life was tied to their soul. Physical death was the same as a soul being cut off. In the New Testament, a born again Christian's soul becomes cut off from their body. The soul "divorces" the mortal body and becomes "married" to the body of Christ. Romans 7 describes that since the original husband, the mortal body, is dead, the soul is free to remarry the new risen body of Christ into life. Unsaved people, attached to their dead body, follow it into the grave which is why they "die in their sins". God throws all sins into Hell, and people still attached to their sins go to Hell with them.
So yes, not only is God in multiple places at once, but Christians are too.
Have you looked into the Jefferson Bible?
no but wow - what an awesome and simple concept:
He described it in a letter to John Adams dated October 12, 1813:
First off, Paul wrote thirteen books and was one of the most important figures of the early church aside from Saint Peter himself.
Secondly, the Old Testament is part of Christianity and is necessary reading. Christ's birth was prophesized in the Old Testament.
Thirdly how the FUCK did this retarded drivel get 6 upvotes?
dude calm down. not everyone accepts the religious canon as it is.
imo the early church was infiltrated by saul, sent from roman authority, to control the movement. classic controlled opposition. also, saul publicly and viciously tortured most of the disciples first. then he saw the light somehow, yeah ok fuck that shit.
plus he muddied up the morals jesus taught with his absurd and overly complicated rules about jew vs gentile this and that meat dont eat it, circumcise dont circumcise, work on the sabbath or dont blah blah blah.
Jesus is the principle founder of the faith and his words alone were enough to cause the entire region at the time to plot to stop him and his movement.
nothing else is necessary.