There was an interesting insight by Greg Mannarino (he is a finance guy on YouTube dropping truth bombs about Fed and economy). He explains how the Crude Oil price is directly linked to the Stock Market. The higher it goes the stocks go soaring. When it goes too low, you will see a war breaking out.
So the entire Stock Market is a function of Petro-Dollar, which is a function of the Oil monopoly.
Last year there was a mini-stock market crash in March 2020 that supposedly wiped out a lot of Elites from their control in the stock market. He showed how Russia let oil prices plunge for a couple weeks straight, and right as clockwork, the stock market plunged as well. But then it came right back as soon as the oil prices were stabilised. Very interesting to see the graphs (and the 10 year yield as well - when it drops below 1.0 it seems the stock market goes crazy).
And before that, it seems Russia was being sanctioned during Obama days and they had nowhere to sell their Oil, and suddenly one port opened up for them - Bashar from Syria provided access to Russian tankers - and that was why the entire world turned against Syria and Putin has been a staunch ally ever since.
I find it fascinating to look back on history understanding the full events that drove the situation, because the official narrative never explains everything.
There was an interesting insight by Greg Mannarino (he is a finance guy on YouTube dropping truth bombs about Fed and economy). He explains how the Crude Oil price is directly linked to the Stock Market. The higher it goes the stocks go soaring. When it goes too low, you will see a war breaking out.
So the entire Stock Market is a function of Petro-Dollar, which is a function of the Oil monopoly.
Last year there was a mini-stock market crash in March 2020 that supposedly wiped out a lot of Elites from their control in the stock market. He showed how Russia let oil prices plunge for a couple weeks straight, and right as clockwork, the stock market plunged as well. But then it came right back as soon as the oil prices were stabilised. Very interesting to see the graphs (and the 10 year yield as well - when it drops below 1.0 it seems the stock market goes crazy).
And before that, it seems Russia was being sanctioned during Obama days and they had nowhere to sell their Oil, and suddenly one port opened up for them - Bashar from Syria provided access to Russian tankers - and that was why the entire world turned against Syria and Putin has been a staunch ally ever since.
I find it fascinating to look back on history understanding the full events that drove the situation, because the official narrative never explains everything.
Good points
He genuinely doesn’t know what he’s doing. It would be funny if this was a movie
It is. It had to be this way to wake the sheep.
The only true way to wake up the sheep is to take away their internet/ electricity/ or food. Might be coming soon.
How does dementia Joe even have a 38% approval rating
97 bucks for 23 gallons today. 97 bucks yo
I'll tell you what I do. I go the the gas station when the tank is still half full; that way I don't get as much sticker shock.
Erm Joe, did you ever think you'd shit your pants in front of the pope?