Her location was chosen as a site for children vaccines. She had tears in her eyes telling me how she hears children crying every day
My heart has become hardened. I know many children will die from this. God help us
Her location was chosen as a site for children vaccines. She had tears in her eyes telling me how she hears children crying every day
My heart has become hardened. I know many children will die from this. God help us
We all have to make a choice. She could have wrote a letter to her HR dept. and said she cannot continue to work there knowing what the vax has done to children. She could have left with her head up knowing she did the right thing. But, unfortunately she chose to stay and in so doing destroyed her own soul. For what, a few dollars and the illusion of job security? Unfortunately, far too many health care workers have made the same choice. Without their complacency, many more people might have lived and the vaccine initiative could have been stopped or seriously slowed. God knows all, sees all. Vengeance is Mine Sayeth the Lord. I Will Repay. Deuteronomy 32:35 and Romans 12:19
Aaaaaand here they are. The 2-3 faggot downvoters who fail to comment on why they disagree. Hey... fuck you! These people are probably the ones who are committing similar crimes.
Well I've got a message for ya... you will not survive.
If she's the one giving the shots, she'll probably get personally sued or otherwise held liable by the parents for any severe reaction or death. Who would allow themselves to be put in that situation and stay there?
I don’t think that is gonna happen fren. There isn’t enough money to pay all the lawsuits
You guys come up with an entire narrative that ignores the fact you don't have the whole story. She might have quit or be thinking about it.
Judge not lest ye be judged wherewith all the same judgment.
She is probably a cashier.
None. If you harm children you pay the price. Hope OP warns the pharmacy worker. Nuremberg.
she needs to be tried as well.."following orders" don't get you out of this one..
"Working" at a pharmacy doesn't equal giving vaccines. She could be stocking shelves for all you know.
Thank you. The judgemental asshats never had to make this decision.
I left my employment over the Vax but I'll not judge those who haven't gotten there yet.
And those that do judge inwont judge either. They judge themselves.
She’s crying about it and still does it.
Her body is telling her
How do you get that from the OP?
And that there was no sympathy for her. It makes it okay to harm children if you're a bit upset that they cry?
Nuremberg was a sham. Do more research. Anons should be wiser.
Don't bother, they're still in denial about that period of time.
The Hague is where modern crimes against humanity are tried now.
PUBLIC EXECUTIONS!! Your "Friend" needs to be tried as well..sorry to say.."following orders" (and "knowingly" continuing to "follow orders") does not mean you get out of this one...NO DEALS!!
Sounds like she has nothing to do w it
Let's go ahead and bet that you also would defend the rich and their claim to their hoards.
You people are fools. You have learned nothing.
"And he knelt down drawing in the sand, and he said, let him who is without guilt cast the first stone".
I want justice too. I'll have justice. But to listen to you supposed patriot. Asses talk all I see is weak people with mouths. Wake rhe fuck up.
God won't be mocked by either side.
It's easy to judge people .. you dont know her circumstances ... she might be the check out chick on the front counter for all you know!
You need to know that you don't have all the information on this ... harsh judgement like that is dangerous! When this is all eventually out in the open it will be obvious which side people stand on .. and yes forgiveness will be a part of that if some have been deceived along the way buying into this .. we were all in the dark at some point .. compassion is not weakness and it is something you will not get from the harsh left .. don't fall into that trap!
You need to know a lot more yku fool. You should get off here and go think for real one time in your life.
Go ahead downvote. It proves my point about you big mouthed small thinkers
But, but, but I was just following orders..... Yeah, that was the excuse of the Nazis in WWII.