posted ago by PumpkinsAndPopsums ago by PumpkinsAndPopsums +43 / -0

I just wanted to put my 2 cents out there since today we'll likely/hopefully see Kyle walk. One of my best friends is still asleep, per se. He's a really good guy, and as we all know, not all sleepwalkers are bad people. They're just brainwashed, and for many of them, they have a lifetime of it, and thus it's harder to snap them out of the programming. This is the case with my friend, and I just wanted to share because I think it is relevant to the current events of this week.

I tried to gently redpill him on the kind of person Rosenbaum was, and he straight up did not believe it. Said that could be fake, said it was too good to be true, said "well of course they had to find something bad to say about the victims, to make an excuse for the shooting." I kept trying, and we did not argue or anything, but I'm tellin yall that he would not budge, and he insists that the information coming out about Rosenbaum being a literal pedophile must be inaccurate, made up, and so on. Doesn't matter that there's literally indisputable proof of this. Cognitive dissonance is a real bitch like that, lol.

But here's the clincher: At NO point did he stick up for Rosenbaum, not really. He said "well, if that's true, I guess at least it's a happy coincidence that a pedo got killed, but still." I know that for us, that's frustrating. But I think it's better than nothing at all. Because the truth is that not everybody is ready to wake up yet. The truth is that the REALITY of the world we live in is so shocking, so contrary to what these people believe in, that they have an easier time saying "sounds fake but OK" than they do actually looking behind the curtain to SEE what's going on. It is too much for them to stomach. I used to feel this way about 9/11, and I kept seeing things about it until I was finally brave enough to watch a 3.5 hour long documentary about the truth. It almost made me cry, but it changed my life forever--for the better. But for years, even though I KNEW in my heart that shit was weird, it took me a long time to be brave enough to "wake up" and see what was really going on.

I think this is the same situation for a lot of good people out there; people who aren't raging liberals with an agenda, but "normies" who mostly go along with MSM because they're programmed to do so. "There are those within the Matrix who will fight to protect it" and such......

Long story short, this is all just a good example to me of what Q has said before: Sometimes you can't tell people, you have to show them.

Such is the case with my friend. He really is a good person, 100%. There are some things that he's redpilled about (for example, he cautiously believes that Jan6 was a setup and that the election was stolen, but he doesn't really have a vested interest in either of those things so he kinda doesn't care either way) but he has a long way to go, and he's not there yet. Being "awake," it was shocking and uncomfortable for me to see a close friend out-and-out deny something that is a legitimate fact, simply because accepting its existence would shatter his current worldview. But it didn't make me hate him. I feel sad for him, and I feel nervous that people like him may never change, but I still love & care about the guy. And I bet a lot of yall are in similar situations, which is why I wanted to post this.

Have a good evening frens, and here's hoping we get some good news about Kyle tonight--regardless of outcome ✌🍿