We are NOT supposed to approach a completely hysterical person while they're drowning, they'll thrash, fight, and get both parties killed.
We communicate to them to calm the fuck down, before we can safely approach, and sometimes the lifeguard makes a decision, let the person die, or punch them in the face to knock some sense into them.
I like the metaphorical punch in the face using unrelenting and non sugar coated red pills. Just brutally honest, constant, red pills. And those are the people I like, the rest I'm watching from a safe distance.
I don’t argue and I dissipate any division anyone is trying to sow. The statistics keep coming from studies. They’ll make their mind up eventually. If they don’t then it’s not worth fighting over for me
That’s why you have to let it burn for a bit and then check on them later to see how they’re doing. Even the dumbest among us will realize eventually. We just need 10% of people to see the truth to get past the point of no return and it’s holding the line from there.
It’s like seeing a naked, crazed fellow, running down the street in the freezing rain, screaming that the sky is falling. Most people would call the police, so they can get him to a hospital to be assessed. But, the liberal fact checkers would be out there telling us to leave him alone, he’s right. It is raining, therefore, the sky is falling. 2 days later, the poor bastard is found dead in an alleyway somewhere from pneumonia.
Best way to get him to vote Democrat. Pneumonia is caused by the unvaxxed. Dead is a gender, respect his heroic transition. Poor bastards are just as bright as white bastards, you racist bastard. Unite, comply, reparate.
A certain religious group hints that they'll burn the house down, then block the door because if they didn't stop the arson they deserved it.
I see it more like drowning.
We are NOT supposed to approach a completely hysterical person while they're drowning, they'll thrash, fight, and get both parties killed.
We communicate to them to calm the fuck down, before we can safely approach, and sometimes the lifeguard makes a decision, let the person die, or punch them in the face to knock some sense into them.
I like the metaphorical punch in the face using unrelenting and non sugar coated red pills. Just brutally honest, constant, red pills. And those are the people I like, the rest I'm watching from a safe distance.
Yes exactly my thought too, yours is way better worded :)
Just goin to leave this here!
No that's the problem.
They felt the heat a long time ago but were in denial.
Now that they can actually see the flames they can't deny it anymore but still resist because they were told that it is "safe inside"
Yep, like rescuing a drowning victim..,, very dangerous, some you can't save as it's too dangerous
I don’t argue and I dissipate any division anyone is trying to sow. The statistics keep coming from studies. They’ll make their mind up eventually. If they don’t then it’s not worth fighting over for me
At that point, I'm leaving them. Ending isn't for everyone.
That’s why you have to let it burn for a bit and then check on them later to see how they’re doing. Even the dumbest among us will realize eventually. We just need 10% of people to see the truth to get past the point of no return and it’s holding the line from there.
When you realize you experience less pain by watching them burn alive.
It’s like seeing a naked, crazed fellow, running down the street in the freezing rain, screaming that the sky is falling. Most people would call the police, so they can get him to a hospital to be assessed. But, the liberal fact checkers would be out there telling us to leave him alone, he’s right. It is raining, therefore, the sky is falling. 2 days later, the poor bastard is found dead in an alleyway somewhere from pneumonia.
Best way to get him to vote Democrat. Pneumonia is caused by the unvaxxed. Dead is a gender, respect his heroic transition. Poor bastards are just as bright as white bastards, you racist bastard. Unite, comply, reparate.