Scientists Are Dumbfounded That COVID-19 Barely Exists In Africa...COVID-19 has faded into the background of daily life in Africa, and scientists are unable to figure out exactly why. *** Scientists are dumbfounded and experts are bewildered, but Pedes know the truth/see the scam.
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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Speaking for Myself coming from S.A...In everyday life, we tend to get a lot of Fresh air being outside...Lots of Sunshine...I take Vitamin C and Zinc...Hardly wear a mask...only if a customer gives a look...Lol...Been in contact with thousands of people since the beginning of the lockdown, shake hands or bump fists and use the occasional hand sanitiser...Had the sniffles for about 2 days with no other medication and I'm as healthy as can be...In my 50's by the way...
Is that Saudi Arabia, South Africa or South America???
The flag is the key. Look to the flag.
God I love that cat 😅
u/thorn 👈🏻😉
The flag tells the story.